Saturday, March 22, 2014

Warning: Saturday Morning Ramblings

Warning: this post contains raw emotions. Stop reading if you don't want to listen to me vent and have a mini pity party for myself.

As I sit here on a Saturday morning at 11:00, going on my 4th hour of studying already today, I feel annoyed and bitter. My whole family [including my husband] are at the beach enjoying the nice weather this weekend. I, however, am sitting at home alone studying since my professors decided to give us 7 exams next week. It never ends. I will study from 7am to 11pm today and tomorrow and that won't even cover a fraction of the amount of material I'm responsible for. We learn the same amount of material in 15 months that med students learn in 4 years. 

I know this too shall pass, but aren't I supposed to be a carefree newlywed that cooks dinner, cleans, and pampers my new husband? That is quite far from what I do these days. My selfless, amazing husband cooks our dinners every night, packs my lunches, cleans, does laundry (and folds it), goes to the grocery store, you name it. I can't help but feel like I am missing out on one of the best phases of my life: the newlywed phase.

I am constantly apologizing to him for not being present enough. And he is constantly reminding me that this PA school journey is for both of us in the long run. He is seriously my biggest fan and encourager. I come home from an 8-5 day of straight lectures grumpy and stressed, and he puts up with me and pushes me on.

I know this is only for 20 more months, but giving up beach weekends, family time, outings with friends, and so much more is so frustrating. One of my PA school friends reminded me that, "Your identity is not in PA school... it is in Christ." What an amazing reminder. At the end of the day I try to remind myself that He equipped me with the ability and love of medicine and that I will glorify Him through my talents of treating sick people one day. So onward toward my goal I go... one day minute at a time!

[Sorry for the venting session... this was not meant for sympathy, just for me to let out some feelings!]

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Makeup organization!

Ok ladies, I need your help! I am a huge neat freak/organizer, and it's time to better organize my bathroom. Throughout all of college my make-up has been in a make-up bag. This was the most convenient since I was typically on-the-go every weekend and I could just zip the sucker up and head out. Now that I have a house [eeek!], it's time for a more permanent location for my make-up. I have these adorable TB make-up bags that currently take up a lot of our bathroom counter space (poor hubs):

I am really wanting to put these away until I need them for traveling and store my make-up in a drawer. I am so tired of digging around aimlessly through those bags looking for what I need, and I think my husband deserves some of our bathroom counter space :) I am thinking something alone the lines of:

But I need your input! Does anyone have their make-up stored in something similar to these? Or have any suggestions for me?! The best/worst storage ideas?!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Wedding weekend part I: Bridesmaid's luncheon!

I am going to do a series of posts about our wedding weekend, starting with my bridesmaid's luncheon! I knew from the start that I wanted it to be simple yet special. I wanted to let these girls know how much they mean to me and how thankful I was to have them there with me for my wedding day. I have a group of 9 best friends that have been together since we were toddlers, and all our moms are best friends too. I knew I wanted all those girls there to celebrate with me, as well as all the amazing women in the Davis family that I would soon be a part of.

When deciding on a location, I quickly had it narrowed down to about 3 spots [being that Greenville is small and doesn't have a huge variety of choices]. However, when my cousin offered to host it at her amazing restaurant in Tarboro, NC my decision was quickly made. She owns On The Square, a small restaurant in downtown Tarboro that has made an impressive name for itself all over North Carolina. I have heard of people traveling from all over to eat here!

Quick background on my cousin, Inez: She was the manager of the restaurant on the top floor of the World Trade Center. Her boyfriend (who is now her husband) was the bartender at the same restaurant. They were both home in Tarboro on 9/11 for a family wedding [thank you, Lord]. After losing all their friends and co-workers, they decided to move back home to Tarboro to be closer to family and open their own restaurant.

Since Tarboro is 45 minutes from Greenville, we decided it would be fun to rent a bus so that we could all travel there together. Mom and I decided on a handful of brunch items that the girls could order from. I ordered french toast, one of my all-time favorites, but I wish I could have had one of each! The huevos rancheros were a huge hit!

We spent the morning sipping mimosas and spending quality time together to kick off the wedding weekend! It couldn't have been a more perfect morning!

Opening their gifts from me

My sisters

Lots of happy tears were shed!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

About me!

My sweet friend Meghan over at passed the torch to me to keep this Liebster Award survey going! Thanks, Meg!! The rules: post 11 facts about yourself then answer the questions that the person who nominated you asked. Here we go!

11 facts about me:

1. I have a boy's name (obvi); it was my great grandmother's maiden name so it is special to me

2. I am a Physician Assistant student, which occupies every second of every day

3. I am a mom to a furry 2.5 year old German short-haired pointer and she is the sweetest thing ever. I am obsessed with her.

4. I am the middle sibling with an older sister and a younger sister. Things are always interesting in our family.

5. My husband played baseball at UNC and had 3 surgeries while doing so. Needless to say he sounds like an old man with all his aches and pains these days.

6. I am addicted to Lululemon. If you don't know what that is, save yourself the money and DON'T look it up. While at Carolina there was a Lulu 10 minutes from me and I spent an embarrassing amount there every week. Now that we live in Greenville, I am 2 hours from Lulu and my husband's wallet is happy.

7. I have a hugely Type-A personality

8. I am a coffee addict. Can't start my day until there is a cup in my hand.

9. I can't wait to have kids. I have always dreamed of being a mommy. This is wayyyy down the road though :)

10. I am such a morning person. I can't stay up past 10:30pm but I am wide awake at 6am

11. I was captain of my State Championship volleyball team senior year of high school. We were the first female sport to win a state championship at my school. The most awesome experience ever!

Questions from Meghan:

1. What would be the one moment you would like to be able to live over and over again?
Walking down the aisle to my hubs. Both crying tears of happiness. Sweetest moment of my life.

2. What's your drink of choice?
During the week, water. Weekend, champagne or blue moon or a glass of pinot grigio (depending on my mood).

3. What is the one thing you never leave home without?
Chapstick... so addicted

4. Do you have any hobbies?  If so, what?
Used to be volleyball; however, I never have time anymore. I would say anything outdoors.

5. What's your dream job?
Pediatric or orthopedic Physician Assistant (21 months away... not that I'm counting)

6. Favorite celebrity style?
I love Jessica Biel's style, laid-back but always adorable. She is so good at dressing up a pair of jeans with a cute scarf or jewelry and of course she always looks amaze with her best accessory, her husband [JT], on her arm :)

7. Did you prefer high school or college?
Hmmm that's a tough one. Probably high school. I have a group of 10 best friends and we spent every waking moment of high school together doing some ridiculously stupid [fun] things. Then we all parted ways for college but kept in touch. College is where I met my husband, so it was great too. And living in Chapel Hill and being a Tarheel for 4 years was the best ever. But college was a stepping stone for PA school. I always knew PA school was my dream and it wasn't going to be handed to me on a silver platter. I worked my butt off in college and spent many nights in studying when all my friends were out partying. Looking back, it was so worth it.

8. Where are you going on your next vacay?
I just got back from Vail, CO last night. It was amazing! Hubs and I might be going to Milwaukee in May to visit our cousins Rob and Katie. Rob is a pitcher for the Milwaukee Brewers!

9. What's one piece of advice you wish you had known in college?
Relax. Have fun. You won't ever get these days back.

10. What's been the best day of your life so far?  Why?
My wedding day followed closely by the day my niece was born. Both days of pure joy and happiness and love.

11. What do you do to de-stress?
Head straight outside with my furry girl and go on a long walk. I love long walks with her... the perfect time to clear my head.