Tuesday, January 24, 2017

My baby shower

This past Saturday was my baby shower! My best friends spoiled me and baby girl to death. Everything was absolute perfection, it felt surreal! Going through infertility, you dream about your baby shower. I never knew if I would have one so it was definitely a day I will never forget.

On the menu was cucumber sandwiches, a cheese platter, meatballs, spinach balls, fruit skewers, deviled eggs, turkey pinwheels, and chicken salad croissants. For dessert there were cupcakes and delicious fruit cookies.

And if you knew my friends, you know there was a mimosa bar. I was dying a little on the inside watching everyone sip their champs while I sipped lemonade, but totally worth it for baby girl!

They had a "guest book" where everyone signed a sweet message to baby girl in the inside of the book "Guess How Much I Love You". My very favorite detail. I was crying as I read through all the messages and how loved she already is. I can't wait to rock her and read this book to her a million times!

One of my best friends, Morgan, painted this for baby girl's nursery. How beautiful is it?! She is so talented.

Love my family. My momma, sisters and niece.

We are on the countdown down!! 6.5 weeks or less!

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Pregnancy update: weeks 29-33

How far along?
32 weeks and 5 days

Size of baby?
Head of lettuce

All day, everyday. She is moving around all the time, it looks like an alien lives in my belly.

Have been feeling great recently. No more back pain (knock on wood) and no headaches. Have been having Braxton Hicks constantly which is a little uncomfortable but not painful. A tiny bit of swelling in my feet after a long day at work but wearing compression stockings has really helped.

Still doing my best. They are getting a lot more difficult. Still trying to go to the gym 3-4 days a week and do cardio for 30 minutes then upper body weights and some legs. I get out of breath really easily and have Braxton Hicks during cardio so I am just listening to my body and doing what feels ok.

Pretty awful. I typically require 9+ hours of sleep a night to function normally, which has been my biggest fear about having a baby. However, I think God is prepping me for no sleep. I go to bed around 9 and fall asleep immediately, get a good 3-4 hours, then I am basically up the rest of the night. Thankfully I do feel like I am getting used to it. Sleepy but ok!

All girl!

Weight gain?
About 22 lbs! Woah! It really doesn't seem like that much to me but I am soaking up every minute of it and not worrying about the scale.

Craving sweets allllll the time which is so weird for me. Usually I would choose salty over sweet any day but not lately. I have been eating candy which is also so unlike me. Always hungry and I snack on healthy snacks all day at work like apples, raisins, protein bars, greek yogurt, bananas, etc. Trying to eat healthy but allowing myself to eat dessert whenever my sweet tooth hits.

We've made some progress but it doesn't look like it. We finally picked a paint color and hired a painter who is coming next week finally. Also picked out fabric and trim for our curtains which are currently being made. They should be done in 2 weeks and I am SUPER excited about them! Found a gorgeous gold mirror at Hobby Lobby for over her changing table. Also having an abstract painting done for over her crib which is in the works. Hopefully in the next few weeks things will really start coming together.

Best/worst part of the week?
If you follow me on Instagram, you probably saw that we had a scare last week. I went for my regular check on Thursday and my blood pressure was a little elevated. They checked it multiple times and it stayed up which worried my doctor, because my BP is always super normal. They wanted to make sure everything was ok so they did a stress test, blood work and an ultrasound which were all normal thankfully. What was supposed to be a quick 15 minute appointment turned into 4 hours. It was a treat seeing baby girl on ultrasound though. She already weighed 5 lbs last week and they said they expect her weight to double, so she would likely be 10 lbs if she goes to 40 weeks. Yikes. My doctor said we will do another ultrasound at 37 and if she's still huge he will induce me at 39 or schedule a C section at 40. This is giving me some anxiety but I'm trying to take it day by day... as long as she is healthy we will be fine!

As a side note: we found out our sweet furry baby has to have ACL surgery on her other leg. She had this surgery back in September and the 12 week recovery was brutal. We thought we were in the clear until she started limping 3 weeks ago. We took her to the vet who did her surgery and they confirmed that her other ACL is torn. We've decided to go ahead with surgery on Tuesday and hopefully she will be 5-6 weeks into recovery when the baby gets here. This has been stressing me out big time because I remember how much of a pain her recovery was... hence why my BP was probably high. We will get through it but it definitely throws a kink in my last 7 weeks of pregnancy.

Looking forward to?
My baby shower this weekend! All my best friends are coming into town to throw it for me. I feel so incredibly lucky and thankful. Going through infertility you dream about your own baby shower. It feels so surreal that we will be celebrating my baby girl this weekend with all my friends and family. I cannot wait!