Monday, July 7, 2014


Linking up with Meghan and Biana for my weekending post! I am so sad to see this weekend go :( It was a great one... full of beach, family, sunshine, drinks, hamburgers, and fireworks. We were super lucky to have no damage from hurricane Arthur. Hubs and I decided it would be a great idea to drive to the beach in the middle of it. We made it safely and our beach house only experienced a few flickers of the electricity. Half the island lost electricity for the night so we were super lucky! I will let my iPhone pics tell the story of my weekend. [Warning: a few too many pics of my niece, I may or may not be obsessed.]


  1. Those sunset pictures are beautiful and your niece is just too adorable!! Thanks for linking up!!

  2. Hello from the link up! Your niece is just as precious as can be! So glad you were safe during the hurricane and didn't lose power. Sounds like your weekend was amazing!

  3. Love your red dress! Love your weekend! Looked fab and I'm glad you got to enjoy! xo

  4. that red dress is awesome and the sunset is beautiful! how could you not be obsessed over your niece? she's adorable!
