Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Weekending: wedding and baby shower!

Shew, I am still recovering from this past weekend! It was packed full of fun! Friday was spent running errands, a play date with her friend Ruthie, and cleaning the house from top to bottom. Friday night we went to our friends' new house for pizza. They have a daughter a year older than Vivi and they play so well together, it's adorable. They are welcoming TWIN boys in a few months so our play dates are soon to get much crazier!

 Friday night I received the BEST FaceTime call EVER.... my best friend Kate is engaged!!!!!! We have been best friends since 6th grade and she was a bridesmaid in my wedding. Vivi's middle name is after her so she is so very special to us. She deserves all the happiness in the world and I can't wait for all the festivities to come!

Saturday we shipped Vivi to my in-laws for the night because we had an out of town wedding. I missed her so much but it was fun to have a "date night" and celebrate our friends!

 Sunday morning I was up early to do last minute preparations for a baby shower I hosted at our new home. Our good friends (mentioned above) are having twin boys soon and it was so fun to sprinkle her and her boys with good food and gifts. Hosting is one of my favorite things to do and it was so fun to "break" our new house in with lots of people! I also absolutely love putting together flowers and I loved how the arrangements turned out. 

 On the menu was cucumber sandwiches, fruit skewers, ugly dip, chicken salad phillo shells, Oreo balls, and cake. Everything was delicious!

 I can't wait to meet these sweet boys! And how beautiful is their mama?

 The rest of the day was spent playing outside, going on a bike ride and grilling out for dinner. A packed full weekend! Now I'm already looking forward to Friday because we are beach bound for Memorial Day!


  1. iiiiiii seriously don't even know how you did all that in one weekend. haha!!! throwing the baby shower on top of it all!! you are superwoman. it all looks amazing!!!!

  2. Your dress is soooo pretty! I love this shower!

  3. You did a wonderful job on the flowers and all of the shower details! Everything looks so pretty!

  4. Owen!! The flowers you arranged for the baby shower are STUNNING!!! Blue, white and green hydrangeas were my wedding flowers and they are my FAVORITE!!!

  5. Wow you had a busy weekend girl! Congrats to your friend, her ring is gorgeous!! And can we talk about how big Vivi is getting?! What the heck?

  6. oh what a fun weekend! i love hosting too :) congrats to your bestie on the engagement! and your other friend who SURE as heck doesnt look like she's carrying twins. gorg. have a great week!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  7. What a fun weekend!! The shower looked beautiful - you did a great job hosting!!

  8. What a weekend!! You did such a beautiful job hosting the shower and huge congrats to you best friend on her engagement! xo, Biana

  9. What a fun time! Your house and the shower look lovely!

  10. Aww!! The FaceTime screenshot of you and Katie is precious!!!! How exciting!! I love all the shower details!! Your silver serving pieces are gorgeous!! I'm also craving petit fours (or any cake tbh) now... so thanks a lot.

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