Friday, February 21, 2014

High Five for Friday!

1. 19 days until I am here (enough said):
Vail, CO

2. Hubs is traveling a lot for work these days. Even though I miss him a ton during the week, I am so proud of him and thankful that he has a job that provides for us. Nothing sweeter than coming home from a long day of class to find this on my bathroom mirror. It's the little things y'all (and I sure do love him).

3. We made spaghetti squash for dinner one night this week. It was delicious! And I was in awe of how the squash literally falls apart like spaghetti noodles. God is so creative! We made a homemade meat sauce to go on top and it was so yummy and healthy!

4. Saturday night we are making the trek West to celebrate our friends Greg and Morgan! They were both in our wedding party and now they are getting married Nov. 1 and Garrett and I are in theirs! Greg and Garrett were teammates at Carolina and Morgan and I have been inseparable since they started dating. We can't wait to shower them Saturday!

5. It's almost embarrassing how boring my day-to-day life is. I literally study every free second of every day. Therefore, watching The Bachelor is the highlight of my [most every] week. Sad, I know. It's my guilty pleasure. I am not a big tv watcher but I am always a Bachelor/Bachelorette fan... maybe it's because I realize how ridiculously stupid it is, I don't know. Anyways, I had a pharmacology exam Tuesday morning so watching The Bach was NOT happening Monday night. So all day Tuesday I looked forward to getting into bed early and watching it, and it did not disappoint :) Once again, it's the little things!

1 comment:

  1. So jealous of your trip to Vail! Glad to hear married life is treating you well. And all your hard work is going to pay off when you're done with P.A. school!
