Sunday, April 20, 2014


Happy Easter!! 

This weekend was literally Heaven. I had no class on Friday and hubs didn't have work so we headed to the beach Thursday night for our annual Ross Easter weekend. It was a weekend full of family time, shopping, eating, drinking, and sleeping! It was freezing cold and rainy all weekend [huge bummer] but nothing could have soured my mood. The first weekend in a few months that I wasn't sitting at home studying. I feel so refreshed and ready to tackle final exams in the next 2 weeks!

I hope everyone spent time today celebrating the true meaning of Easter... our savior is alive! Jesus died on a cross for ME and YOU. He wore a crown of thorns, nails in his hands and feet, and was publicly humiliated for us. He was put in the tomb but death couldn't hold him! He rose from the dead to give us eternal life. That is what Easter is all about! 

My Easter bunny did GOOD... how amazing is that GSP print?? And our first Christmas stockings :)

Bella helping Ella James open her Easter "basket"
The cutest bunny I've ever seen :) 

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