Sunday, May 11, 2014


How do you thank someone who has given you everything? Who makes your world go 'round? Who drops everything to be there for you, day or night? Who puts your needs above her own every single day? There aren't enough words.

In high school when my boyfriend of two years called me [yes, called] and broke my heart into a million pieces, mom slept beside me and rubbed my back all night while I cried.

When I called her from Florida with the swine flu [yes... the first person in NC to have it] she drove 12 hours through the night to pick me up and turned around and drove back.

When Garrett is out of town for work and I am too swamped in studying to worry about food, she shows up at my house with dinner [too many nights to count].

When we got back from our Honeymoon and she had stocked our fridge and pantry full of food.

I could spend all day describing the amazing ways she blesses me every day. One thing is true... I got the best one. Thank you, Lord, for making her my mom. Happy Mother's Day <3

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