Monday, July 14, 2014

Sad goodbye

This weekend my husband lost his family dog, Ace. My in-laws found him seizing Friday afternoon and rushed him to the vet. After about 24 hours of trying everything with no success, he passed away peacefully. We are all so sad, especially my husband. He grew up playing in the backyard with this dog... his furry best friend. Pets really are like family, and we will forever miss our big cuddly lab.


  1. Sorry to hear about the loss of your husband's childhood pal! Things like this are never easy. My husband and I have a Labrador and the breed is quickly becoming one of my favorites. They are the best dogs!

  2. Thinking of you and G during this time. Losing a pet is like losing a member of the family! Love to you both!

  3. so sorry. We had to put our pet down last year and he was 18. Super devastating.

  4. This breaks my heart, I hope they've been able to find a little peace since then. Thinking of you all ;(

  5. I'm so so sorry to read about the loss of your pet. It's so hard :(
