Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ice, Ice, baby

NC got hit with the dreaded ice storm last night. I was prayyyying the weather forecasts were wrong and that we would get lots of fluffy, white snow. Instead, we got 2 inches of ice. Patients were canceled so I took advantage of the day off with studying, homemade chicken noodle soup, and catching up on the Bachelor that I DVR'ed. I will admit, it was so nice to have an unexpected day off at home!

This is currently what our front steps look like. I literally stood there for 5 minutes trying to figure out how to get down them without busting my a**. Thankfully I only fell when hubs was home so he could get a good laugh out of it. Bella girl felt the same way about the ice. When I let her out this morning she just stood there all "um excuse me mom, I'm supposed to go out in this?"

Stay warm, friends! Xoxo


  1. I'm watching the Bachelor right now!! Just starting last night's episode. And unexpected snow days (aka ice days) are the best! Hope you got some good studying in :)

  2. I love unexpected snow days even more as an adult. Glad you were able to relax and decompress! xoxo

  3. Nothing better than having an unexpected day off and catching up on the Bachelor!
