Friday, March 20, 2015

Five on Friday: ortho surgery and NCAA tourney!


Orthopedics has been great this week! I am pretty sad that next week is my last week at this rotation. It has been so nice and relaxing to be with PA's and surgeons that I have known forever. I was first assist in the operating room 2 days this week. On Tuesday we did 6 total knee replacements and I could barely lift my arms on Wednesday. Assisting in total knee replacements is a better arm workout than anything you could possibly do in the gym [and much more fun, obvi]! For total knee surgeries we wear these really cool nerdy helmets (below) that are covered with a sheet that has clear plastic on the front so that you are completely enclosed. This is so you don't get blood and bone pieces all over your face as you saw and drill... yummy, I know.


Tuesday night for St. Pattys day we went with my sis, brother-in-law, and dad to a local restaurant that had live music and green beer. I totally felt like I was doing something wrong because we never leave the house on "school nights". We are an old married couple.


March= college basketball. I love watching all sports, but especially college football and basketball. I especially love college basketball because my alma mater (UNC) is known for their basketball program (hi Michael Jordan). Every year is another chance to win a national championship! Hubs and I love watching all the March Madness games, especially our heels. I am proud to say my tarheels barely won their first game last night against Harvard and advanced to the final 32 teams! Who do you have winning your bracket?


For dinner one night this week, G and I made zucchini noodles [zoodles] topped with crab cakes. It was so delicious! We have gotten such great use out of our spiralizer and love experimenting with healthy "pastas". I will admit that I didn't make the crab cakes… I bought them pre-made at our local Fresh Market, which makes this meal literally so simple. All you need is a few zucchinis, fresh garlic, some cayenne pepper, olive oil, and whatever you want to add to your "pasta".

Spiralize your zucchinis, add garlic, cayenne, and a tiny bit of olive oil to the noodles, and top with chicken, salmon, crab cake, shrimp, whatever! The key is to not add too much olive oil or your zoodles will get soggy and limp. So easy!


I will leave you with these pictures of my "velcro dog". She has been extra velcro-y this week, and I'm not complaining. She's a 75 lb lap dog and I love every second of it.


  1. Velcro dogs are the best! How else would we stay warm and cuddly?

    Also, love the ortho pictures! I work with residents and fellows, and I still swear up and down that if I were to have gone into medicine the two routes I NEVER could have taken were plastics and orthopaedics -- you are a stronger woman than I!

    1. haha I guess you either love it or hate it!! I think I want to work in OBGYN but I love ortho too!

  2. I spy Typhon!! So much fun, right?!? And my roommate Sarah also loved her ortho rotation- I'll have mine in June at OrthoCarolina (where I used to work too) and can't wait!!

    1. Typhon will be the death of me! I have loved ortho so much. Not looking forward to family med next month :(

  3. I love the term "velcro dog" and it certainly applies to my pup as well. He goes wherever I go even if it's just from the couch to the kitchen which is maybe a 4 foot distance. I don't mind it either! I love reading about your medical adventures. I could never work in the medical field, but I find it all so interesting. Have a great weekend!

    1. Haha I love it!! Dogs are the best company ever :) Thanks for reading along, I like to write down some of my medical adventures so I can look back when I'm done with school and remember everything I did! Hope you are having a great weekend too :)

  4. Velcro dog is an adorable way to say it! I love cuddling with my little pup - about 65 pounds less than yours! :) Orthopedics must be so interesting!!

    1. Aww I grew up with a small dog and honestly our big dog is more of a "lap dog" than my mom's 10lb dog haha. Hope you are having a great weekend!!

  5. UNC busted my bracket. I chose Harvard. Because Harvard busted my bracket a few years ago. I should have known better. I have someone from UNC on my staff. She warned us!! ;)

    1. Girl UNC deserved to lose that game. I was so mad! Hopefully they will be much better tonight. My bracket is a hot mess but that's what's so fun about March Madness!

  6. I love that you got to go out on a school night! :) And velcro dog. That's Winston, too. I definitely don't complain, but it breaks my heart when I see his face when I'm leaving. Maybe I should be a work from home dog mom. :) xo

  7. Ha! I'm home recuperating from my second knee replacement surgery (had the first done six months ago) so it was funny to see that you got quite a workout in the operating room. Hope you enjoy your next rotation as much as you did orthopedics.

  8. I am willing to suspend my disbelief to love a good show

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