Thursday, June 25, 2015

20 things you might not know about me

One of my favorite bloggers, Jessica @ The Newly wrote a post a few weeks ago titled "20 Things You Might Now Know About Me" and I loved it! Personally, my favorite posts to read are posts that help me get to know my favorite bloggers more. It's so fun to learn more about blog friends so I figured I'd steal this idea and do one of my own! I hope you learn something new about me!

1. I have a tattoo on my hip that says "Believe". I got it on my 18th birthday. I was in a phase of dealing with my parents' divorce, dealing with a hard breakup, all the while believing that the Lord had the perfect plan for my life. It's hidden by my underwear/bathing suit bottoms but whenever I see it I am reminded to always Believe in His promises and goodness!

2. I have a German short-haired pointer. Yes, we have a bird dog and no, we do not hunt. My husband fell in love with the breed while I was in the corner pouting, "I do not want a dog with spots!". Needless to say, my husband won. She is my spoiled baby and I will have a GSP until the day I die! Best breed ever!

3. My hair is naturally super curly but I hate it. It takes forever to straighten, hence why I am always wearing it up or in a sock bun.

4. Champagne is my drink of choice. Prosecco to be exact.

5. My dad is an orthodontist. And I had braces 3 times because I never wore my retainers. Terrible daughter.

6. I was the captain of my 4A State Championship volleyball team in high school. We won the state championship my senior year, and it was my high school's first ever female team to win a championship.

7. I require a ton of sleep to function. Like, >9 hours. Which makes me absolutely terrified to have kids. I am going to be an unpleasant human being due to the lack of sleep.

8. I'm blind as a bat. Almost legally blind to be exact. When I take my contacts out I can't even text because I can't see my phone. My husband makes fun of me for holding objects 1 inch from my face to see them.

9. I haaaate raw tomatoes. They taste like metal to me and the texture… just no. It kills me because they look so yummy on a BLT in the summer but I just can't.

10. I have an older and a younger sister. People always think my older sister and I are twins, but she's 3 years older than me. My younger sister has red hair, and she's the only person in our entire family with red hair.

11. I LOVE to read. Give me a good mystery or love story and I will be content for hours.

12. My biggest fear is infertility. Silly, considering we haven't even tried to get pregnant yet. But so many people I love have suffered through it and it is my worst nightmare!

13. My day doesn't start until coffee. Husband says my "feet hit the floor and head straight to the coffee maker"… true story

14. I heart candles. All kinds, but especially the ones from Anthropologie

15. My niece and nephew are my life [which I'm sure you already knew if you even somewhat keep up with my blog]

16. My favorite house "chores" are laundry and vacuuming

17. I absolutely despise sweeping and unloading the dishwasher

18. Fresh flowers= happy heart. Pink peonies, yes please!

19. I have wanted to work in medicine my entire life. I would walk around at 5 years old saying I wanted to be a "doctor that delivered babies". Can't wait to finally be a PA in 6 short months!

20. I am a terrible cook. It's embarrassing. Luckily my husband is a great cook and loves doing it. Otherwise, we'd starve.


  1. Just came across your blog, so this post was perfect for getting to know you! I love prosecco too and also have super curly hair that I HATE to do! Your dog is adorable and would you like to help me with my laundry? Haha, I hate folding!

  2. I love these "get to know you" posts too!! I know you Daddy must not have been happy to see you in those braces for a third time!!! Thats hilarious. Infertility is a scary thing and it amazes me how common it is these days. I'd imagine everyone knows atlas one person that is/has struggled. I feel very very lucky that we didn't have trouble. Your last 6 months of PA school are going to fly by!!!!

  3. I loved reading this post! It makes me see how much we have in common! Volleyball in HS, being almost legally blind, loving to read, and hating to unload the dishwasher and pretty peonies! Yes!
    I will help you with the cooking skills, how about that? :)

  4. I loved getting to know you girl!! I would have never guessed that you were legally blind!!! And yes to prosseco - cheers girl!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  5. Too funny. I loved Jessica's post and shared my own 20 random facts on my blog today too! & I'm so glad I'm not the only southern girl who doesn't like tomatoes. I can do them cooked in all different types of pasta dishes but when it comes to them raw... yuck! All that juice and sliminess is just gross!

  6. Girl, I learned a lot from you! I am legally blind too. And same with coffee. I take the dogs out in the morning and while they're taking care of themselves, I get my coffee ready. Also, creepy but I remember when you got your hip tattoo, and I still want one. xo

  7. Loved this post! I will definitely have to do this for a blog post! Like you, I am legally blind and I pray that when I have children, they don't inherit that from me! I have to have coffee first thing in the morning!! My day just isn't the same without it :)

  8. Love this post! I'm with you - definitely love seeing posts like this :) I can't function without sleep either - it will definitely get interesting with kids!

  9. Loved learning more about you and I think we have a few things in common! I totally agree with loving prosecco and needing a ton of sleep. I feel like I barely have enough time to do what I want now… the thought of kids freaks me out lol. Have a great weekend :)

  10. We have so much in common that it's crazy! Love Prosecco, it's my drink of choice any day. I miss every second of playing high school volleyball, we also won our division my senior year! Love these posts! Xo, Stephanie
