Friday, June 12, 2015

Five on Friday: random things!

[O N E]

Sneak peak of how my outfit turned out for family pictures last night. I loved it and can't wait to wear that dress all summer!

[T W O]


I went to Target yesterday and left with new socks [which I totally didn't go there for… of course]. This was literally the highlight of my week! It's pretty embarrassing how grungy my socks can get. I have the worst habit of running outside to the get mail, going to my sister's house, etc. in my socks. Which results in holes, nastiness, and not pretty socks. Confession: I've worn my husband's black socks to work more than once this week because the few pair I have were dirty. Whoops. Thanks to Target's $3 socks, that problem is solved! I am used to paying $8+ for cute socks at J Crew and such, but these Target ones are just as cute and comfy. Happy girl right here!

[T H R E E]

My nephew is THREE weeks old already! How is that possible? Time please slow down. He has completely stolen my heart. And I have officially seen him all 21 days of his life [auntie brag]. I love him so. Side note: baby fever is a real thing…

[F O U R]

I am dyyyying for new stationary. Nothing makes my heart happier than snail mail, so I absolutely love having nice stationary to send to friends or as thank you notes. After looking for cheaper options at Target and other local places without success, I decided to browse Minted's options and have fallen in love with a handful of them. Though these are more expensive, I am positive they will be super awesome quality and worth the extra money. Now I just have to decide which one I like best. Which is your favorite?!

[F I V E]

This was my 3rd week at my geriatrics rotation. This has been my least favorite rotation thus far. Don't get me wrong, I love old people. However, seeing the condition most of these patients are in just really breaks my heart. I am too emotional for this! Also, the average elderly person is on at least 10-15 medications, which is a total nightmare having to monitor and adjust. Bless the hearts of the people that love working in geriatrics. We need those people badly! I am just not one of them. I will be spending all weekend studying all about old people in preparation for the end-of-rotation exam next week [joy!].

Linking up with April and Christina!


  1. Your nephew is precious, oh my goodness! New stationary is always a favorite of mine too! Xo, Stephanie

    1. Thanks girl! I think he's pretty adorable too ;) Happy weekend!

  2. The watercolor stationary is totally my favorite!! It's gorgeous!!!!!!!

    1. I love that one too! I need to decide! Happy weekend :)

  3. I wasn't dying for new stationary but now I am - the hello is my favorite!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

    1. I love that one too! Probably ordering soon :) Happy weekend lady!

  4. Love your outfit for your family photos! Stationary is the best and the two on the right are definitely my favorites!

    1. Thank you so much!! I am going to have to buy them soon :) Happy weekend!!

  5. Your nephew is too adorable! Loving those stationary options and so nice you can customize them! That's honestly the best part and worth the extra money ;)

    1. I totally agree! Customizing them gives them a nice little added touch! Happy weekend!

  6. Hahaha that angina meme. So good. And omg your nephew is to die for! So precious.

    1. Ah thank you!! I think he's pretty cute but I know I'm bias :) happy weekend!!

  7. I mean honestly what doesn't Target have right? I didn't know that about Minted! Which one to pick they are all so gorgeous!!!

    1. Love Target sooo much. Hubs hates it because it takes all of his money whoops. Happy weekend lady!

  8. I love the outfit choice for family pictures - that dress looks so comfortable!! I always love getting new stationary, too :) Hope you had a great weekend!!

  9. Your nephew is beautiful! And loved your outfit for family pictures! I have disgusting socks too, so glad I'm not alone in that. xoxo
