Friday, July 31, 2015

Five on Friday

Happy Friday, ladies! I sure am happy to see this week come to a close. Let's jump right into my FoF! P.s. in case you missed my post from yesterday… my husband is now booking appointments [just kidding]!

[O N E]
Halfway finished with my psych rotation. Praise. I won't sugarcoat things... it's miserable! This field just isn't for me. I love doing physical exams on patients... listening to their heart, lungs, doing abdominal and neurologic exams, etc. I haven't done a single physical exam. It's a lot of talking and medication refills. Not my cup of tea.

[T W O]
We spent last weekend at the beach and I never had a chance to re-cap our weekend. So here is a picture dump of our relaxing weekend at the beach. I cannot believe summer is coming to an end, time is FLYING people!

[T H R E E]
A girl from my hometown started a side business selling adorable necklaces. Follow her on instagram @rileybeads. They are only $25 and you can choose any color tassel or bead.

[F O U R]
One of my best friends had her baby last weekend!! Her due date wasn't for another 4 weeks but after some blood pressure issues, she ended up in an emergency C-section. My nerves were torn to pieces! But! Baby Liam is here and they are happy and healthy! She lives 4 hours away [ughhhh] but I am hoping to make the trip in just a few weeks.

[F I V E]
Hubs and I have been semi-stressing over the dreaded M word lately: money. It seems like bills and random payments keep popping up constantly! This week he noticed something was wrong with his Tahoe, something was leaking. Luckily we have family in town so he borrowed a car and took his to the shop. When he went to pick it back up, an "anonymous person" had already paid the bill. And this was not a cheap bill you guys. Talk about an incredible blessing. Just another reminder that God hears us and is constantly taking care of our needs!

Linking up with AprilAmanda, and Karli


  1. How amazing that someone paid the bill - that is really wonderful! I love the picture of your friends baby - looks like he's waving!! Your beach vacation sounded wonderful!! Hope you have a great weekend girl! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Wow that's amazing someone paid the bill to fix your car! I love pay it forward stories, it makes me feel better knowing there are still good people out there! Love that fun tassel necklace! And your beach vacation looked amazing. I can't wait for my vacation next weekend! Happy Friday!

    <3, Pamela
    Sequins & Sea Breezes

  3. Liam is so adorable!! I love that someone paid your bill. So incredibly sweet!

  4. That baby! Too cute. I can't believe someone paid your bill! You hear about stuff like that happening... but that is so sweet!

  5. Congrats to your friend! Her baby is so adorable and so glad they're all ok :) That was so sweet someone paid the car bill for y'all!! God was looking out for you :)

  6. Cheers to light at the end of the tunnel for your psych rotation, you've got this gurlie! And congrats to your friend, her baby is adorable :)

    Happy Friday <3

  7. That beach looks beautiful!! Wishing I was there rightnow!

  8. Your okay it forward story just made me smile--thank you for sharing that positivity. It's nice to know that there are good, genuine people out there! :)
    Prayers to you that the psych rotation ends quickly!!!

  9. Haha – sign me up at your husband’s salon!! The beach weekend looks gorgeous I love that sunset. What a sweet blessing that was – things like that are just the most precious moments in life!

  10. Mmm...what's that drink you have on the beach there? I'll have one of those!! And what an incredible gift for someone to pay for your car repair!! Have a great weekend! :)
    Gina || On the Daily Express

  11. Beach weekends are the best! I definitely need one before summer comes to an end. Happy weekend!

  12. Your beach vacation pictures are great. It looks like a fun vacation!

  13. So much fun stuff here and cheers to the good karma! Hope yall had a fabulous weekend! xo

  14. DG and I are always semi-stressed about money and I totally feel you on the unexpected expenses. But how awesome that someone paid y'alls bill! Also, love your pictures from the beach. Your friend and her babe look great! And love your friend's necklace! xo

  15. Oh my gosh, such a sweet surprise from a stranger! :) And I love your friend's necklaces and that you can customize them! Xo, Stephanie
