Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Dream office space

The "office" room in our house is the room I spend the most time in, hands down. This is mostly due to the fact that I have no choice but to study 24/7 [thank you, PA school], but I also love sitting at a desk to get work done. I am so much more productive when sitting at a desk than I am on the couch with my laptop.

Sadly, our office room currently looks like a bomb went off in it. Husband and I each have a desk in that room, which are both covered with massive amounts of papers. I basically have an anxiety attack every time I walk in that room due to the clutter. We don't have a ton of storage in our house so our office is the room where we throw everything when we have no other place to put it. I am dying to re-do this room, making it more appealing and organized. Even after I graduate and get a job I know I will want a welcoming space to work on charts, blog posts, etc.

In my future dream home, my office will look something like this:

If my home office looked like these pictures, I'd be happy to sit there and study all day! Ok, maybe not. But it sure would make it more bearable!

Linking up with Jessi and Jenn


  1. That third image is beautiful! I definitely wouldn't mind working there!

  2. Oh my all of these offices are lovely. I think one and three are my favorites. I totally wish I had a home office.

  3. OBSESSED with all of this! I love that glass desk with the gold underneath. And the blue one! Such a fun pop of color. I need a pretty office space at home!
    <3, Pamela
    Sequins & Sea Breezes

  4. I have an entire pinterest board dedicated to offices because of how much I love them!! I'm swooning over your pinterest inspiration! xo, biana -BlovedBoston

  5. I love these office pins. I have an office room in my house and it needs some help! I did go to ikea and get a desk and bookcase/cubicle thing that I love but it still needs more help.

    Trish - tales from trish

  6. We were definitely on the same wavelength this week with the office design love! I'd love to have an office that looked like any of the ones you have here!

  7. I love the first office you pinned. It would be great to designate part of the desk space for a computer, and the other side for meetings/sketching.

    xo, Carly - soak and simmer

  8. That was our office especially when we were in the apt! There was no space for anything so we had some golf clubs, a fake Christmas tree, a basketball, etc. in there along with 2 desks! Thankfully we deconstructed one of the desks and used it as tables but I would love to update my office too. Still don't know if I will since I don't spend as much time in there since I'm not in school anymore and when we have kids in a few years, that will be the nursery. Love your inspiration though!

  9. Gorgeous inspiration gurlie, especially loving that first pic! And I hear ya... our home office needs a very big facelift and some lovins :-P

    Can't wait to see what direction you go, and the finished product.

  10. I was the same way in school. I always did my homework and studying at my desk. I little nook in my apartment with a desk, but I really would love a whole room for an office. Love the pics you shared!

  11. Oh gosh I love all of these so much - especially the stripe wall! I love having a desk and space to work too - I spent forever designing our office!

  12. ahh were on the same page today! These are perfect! Thanks for linking up today! xo

  13. I'm so swooning over all of these offices... I dream of having a perfectly kept and beautiful office some day... particularly one with lots of workspace... but I'm also the worst about letting my paper mess explode everywhere... so that's definitely a blessing and a curse!

  14. You dress is nice,I like this style.

  15. I also used to have an office that was way too cluttered, usually with books, papers and mugs. It is not fun to work in a space where it feels like a bomb went off in it. Those photos you shared are really beautiful. The desk is sleek and simple and the shelves look amazing.

    Derrick George @ ZZONE 31

  16. It's amazing how much difference natural light can have on a small room! I'm a huge fan of the curtains and artwork on the walls. A really inspiring post that shows that even the smallest spaces can be designed to look impressive!

    Nicholas Taylor @ Vancouver Business Brokers

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