Friday, August 7, 2015

Five on Friday: cocktails, jeans, and a GIVEAWAY!

[O N E]
Finished week 3 of psych. Not much to report here, except I CANNOT WAIT FOR NEXT WEEK TO BE OVER so I can move on to my next rotation: the ED! One patient I had this week thought that he could win the lottery by writing down numbers on a piece of paper. So he had written from 1 to 68,000 on a really freaking long piece of paper. You can't make this stuff up.

[T W O]
As I mentioned in a previous post, I have been dying for a pair of boyfriend jeans. Well when I came across this post on Lindsey Thorne's blog I fell in love and knew I had to have those jeans! For only $52 [thanks, Nordstrom!] I had to pull the trigger. They haven't arrived on my doorstep yet, but I will let you know what I think. Fingers crossed!!

[T H R E E]
Last weekend at the beach we made the most delicious cocktail: the Ruby Relaxer. I mean, even the name sounds awesome.
What you need:
-Peach schnapps
-Malibu coconut rum
-Pineapple juice
-Cranberry juice

Mix 1 shot of peach schnapps, 1 shot of Malibu rum, and 1 shot of vodka. Add about 2ish shots of pineapple juice, and cranberry juice to taste. I added cherries for garnish. So delicious! Perfect for happy hour at the beach!

[F O U R]
A few years ago for Christmas I got a really nice Nikon camera. I have been happy with it for what I've been using it for. Now that I'm trying to "vamp up" this blog and my photography, I decided it was time to pull the trigger on a better lens. After some researching and getting advice from a few ladies (thanks, Ashley!), I purchased a 50mm-1.8D lens. I cannot wait to start playing with it and learning to shoot brighter, more crisp pictures!

[F I V E]
Check out my sponsor post that was on Annie's blog yesterday! And in case you missed my post from yesterday, don't forget to enter the giveaway for this gorg necklace! *CLICK LINK BELOW TO ENTER!*

Linking up with April, Amanda, Karli, and Erika


  1. That drink looks delicious! Love all those flavors so I can't wait to try it out all mixed together. I've started researching what lens I want to get next, too. Have fun learning yours! Have a great weekend and a happy Friday!

  2. That’s the exact lens I have! You’re going to love it! :)

  3. That drink looks DELISH - perfect for summer! And yay for finishing up your psych rotation, you've got this gurlie! And loving those jeans, Nordstrom for the win again :-D

    Happy Friday gurlie <3

  4. You are going to LOVE that 50mm lens!!!!!! So excited for you!!! Can't wait to see you put it to use!! That cocktail looks SO good!!

  5. I have a 50 mm lens too but need to learn how to use it more! I feel like I'm getting the pictures I could be with it.

    and that cocktail looks amazing!

    Hope you have a great Friday and weekend!

    -Kathleen @ Places I Will Go

  6. congrats on completing week 3! and that lens looks great. i still have my 35mm i purchased when i got my camera but i need to bite the bullet and get another! love those jeans - can't wait to hear how they fit! xo

  7. Entering the gorg necklace giveaway now! And loving those jeans, sweet girl. Be sure to update us and let us know what you think after you get them. I'll be curious to know how you like the distressed parts. I love a good distressed jean, but only if it's not too distressed, you know? Bending around and up and down all day with the kids, I've had several pairs of distressed jeans just rip completely apart, lol! Happy Friday!:)

  8. You had me at vodka! I must try that drink so thanks for sharing the recipe! Enjoy your weekend!

  9. That cocktail sounds so yummy! I need to try that!

  10. I love BF jeans!! That's all I wear on weekends :) Congrats on week 3 of school!

  11. That cocktail definitely sounds like the perfect beach/summer cocktail! And I recently got a 50MM lens too, and I'm hoping to learn how to shoot a little bit better with it as well.

  12. Cute jeans and I can do with a Ruby Relaxer right about now! Is it 5 o'clock yet?

  13. I definitely want to pick up a pair of boyfriend jeans for this Fall!

  14. I need to make myself that drink asap – that sounds like perfection. Enjoy the new lens – photography is such a fun hobby to have. Happy weekend, lady!

  15. Love the jeans! Can't beat that price either!!

  16. Love the jeans! I ordered a pair of boyfriend jeans, but didn't love them so I'm back to searching. That cocktail sounds amazing and I think I need to try it soon. Enjoy your weekend!

  17. Great drink recipe (bookmarked it)!!
    I love Five on Friday posts...

    ~ Kim Pincombe Cole

  18. That cocktail looks amazing! Have a great weekend.

  19. I loveeee those jeans!! Too cute! That drinks looks & sounds amazing!

  20. that cocktail is so me! i love everything in it. thanks for the recipe! you will love that lens--i use it for close up stuff and for my youtube

  21. I love everything in this post! I don't even know where to start! I can't wait to hear how you like the lens. I need to up my photog game! Yay for being closer to being done! :) xo

  22. Thank you so much for the necklace. I can't believe I won. Seriously, I have never won a giveaway. Appreciate your generosity for your readers. Love it.
