Thursday, September 17, 2015

Headbands of Hope GIVEAWAY!

As most of you know, sweet Annie @ Home of Malones had her baby this week!! Madelyn is perfection… so happy for you, Annie! While she is off soaking up newborn cuddles, I'm co-hosting the Thoughts for Thursday link-up today! Be sure to link up with us below.


September is more than just the start of football season and pumpkin spice lattes. It is Pediatric Cancer Awareness month. Last year a little girl from my hometown was diagnosed with high risk ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia). Her name is Georgia and she is the most precious little soul. She has endured countless lumbar punctures, chemo treatments, IV antibiotics, blood draws, and much more. Throughout the process of kicking cancer's butt, she lost her beautiful brown hair. Though losing hair is insignificant in the process of beating cancer, I cannot imagine how hard it must be emotionally, especially for a 7-year-old little girl.

This is where Headbands of Hope steps in. For every handband purchased online, one headband is donated to a child with cancer and $1 is donated to a childhood cancer organization of your choice. How awesome is that?! Being that September is Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month, what better way to celebrate and raise money and awareness for these sweet children than to GIVEAWAY one of their gorgeous headbands??

If you know me at all, you know that 99% of the time I am wearing a headband. Whether at the beach, working out, or at work, Headbands of Hope has the perfect piece for any occasion. Knowing that the headband I am wearing has provided a precious little one with a headband of their own makes me love their products even more. I love what this organization is doing to bring smiles to the faces of little girls that are fighting such a tough battle. Next time you consider buying a headband, please consider Headbands of Hope!


  1. What a wonderful cause! Your headband is so cute and Georgia is a beauty!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. This is a beautiful cause, and those headbands are just an added bonus! Thanks for sharing this with us!

  3. What a sweet, brave and gorgeous little girl she is! And those headbands have such a great cause, not to mention they are so cute!
    <3, Pamela
    Sequins & Sea Breezes

  4. A cause of hope! A beautiful little girl and such a spirit. Will be checking out the headbands for my granddaughter for sure. Thanks for hosting for Annie this week.

  5. ok this made me tear up a little! i love this cause - such a cute idea and georgia is just the most beautiful thing!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  6. What beautiful headbands and for such a great cause. The mayor of Maryland is going to NFL and MLB games in our area with children who have cancer to bring awareness to this cause. Thank you for sharing with us today, you have such a beautiful heart.

  7. Owen thank you so much for mentioning sweet Georgia. We know her family very very well. She is a doll <3 You are so thoughtful. And ps youre pics are fab. Xoxo love youuu!

  8. what a beautiful, precious little soul, and what a great cause! prayers she makes a full recover!

  9. What a great cause!! Love the headband you have and Miss Georgia is rocking hers beautifully!

  10. I love the Confetti headband but they all so cute. This post made me tear up because of the roles cancer has played in my life. I love companies that give back and I will keep sweet Georgia in my prayers.

  11. What a precious headband and precious little girl! Hope you are well, Owen xoxo

  12. Such an amazing cause, and my heart breaks for that sweet little girl - keeping her and her family in my prayers :)

  13. I love this!! What an amazing concept. That sweet girl is so beautiful and so brave. I will definitely give these a try.

  14. I love the headband you picked! I would love to have that too! Georgia is seriously so gorgeous and so brave. I can't imagine. Thanks for sharing, Owen! xo

  15. I love everything about Headbands for Hope! It is such an amazing company, what a beautiful post! Xo, Stephanie
