Friday, December 18, 2015

Graduation party

My mom is the Queen of throwing parties. And she did it again for my graduation last Saturday night! We had about 60 of my closest friends and family over for food and drinks and it was the best time. Mom's house was decorated to a T. She had the food catered to cut down on the stress but boy was it delicious. We had sushi, anti-pasta skewers, stuffed peppers and mushrooms, ham biscuits, crab and shrimp dip, and snap peas with homemade wasabi sauce. The wine and champagne were flowing… a little too much. Can't hang like I used to. But hey, you're allowed to have way too many glasses of champagne after PA school graduation. Enjoy this photo dump!


Linking up with Amanda and April


  1. I love the dress you wore for your party - it was so pretty! All the food and drinks looked awesome and it looks like a really amazing time!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Totally allowed to drink all the champagne!!! I hope you're still celebrating your amazing PA school accomplishment!! ;)

  3. Looks like the PERFECT party! And you are definitely allowed to have a bit too much champs after graduating from PA school! Hope you're feeling better girl! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  4. aww cheers!! that's so fun and you totally earned it!! what a wonderful mama!!

  5. Ok first off your dress is gorgeous, I have to ask where it's from! And that party looks perfect, congrats to you on graduating!

  6. ah i love those photos! what a wonderful party your mom put together! aren't moms the best for that! and that food - yum :) too much champs is def fine in my book :)

  7. WOW, looks like a fabulous time, lady! Your mom sure knows how to throw a party, all the food and decor looks great. Congrats again! Too much champs is never a bad thing when celebrating!

  8. What a blast!!! Looks like an amazing party! You finished up PA school in style ;)

  9. Your party looks amazing!!! And I can't hang like I used to either... PA school does that to you!

  10. Congrats!! What a great party!!! Love your dress.

  11. "too many" and "glasses of champagne" can never be in the same sentence hahha. So glad that you had a great time celebrating this HUGE accomplishment!!!

  12. Your dress was gorgeous! I love the color, where did you get it?

  13. Looks like such a great party with a delicious spread!

    Justine @ Charm City Ciemny's

  14. You SO deserved this fabulous celebration! I love your dress - amazing! Your mom did an amazing job, everything looks perfect and delicious!

  15. Love it!!! Looks like it was the best time! And all that good... Girl, I could eat it all!

  16. Cheers to graduating!!!! You looked gorgeous in that dress, and your mom did awesome on the party!

  17. Love that dress girl! Glad you had a fun time celebrating being done, you definitely deserve it!

  18. You look awesome! Great dress! And your mom really did a beautiful job!xo, Champagne&Suburbs

  19. You deserve to celebrate and drink up! Your dress is amazing, love the color :)

  20. I loved your dress. its beautiful.

  21. Yummy! There a lot of food and my mouth is drooling with water. I am sure you guys had a great time. I have to say that everybody here looks fantastic, I loved the purple dress a lot by the way. I think I will wear this color on my graduation party which is in one of the venues in NYC next weekend.
