Friday, February 26, 2016

FoF: officially a grown up

[O N E]
Y'all, I seriously giggle every time I walk by a mirror and see myself in a long white coat. Don't get me wrong, I worked my ass off for that coat but I do not feel important/smart/old enough to be wearing it. #grownuplife

[T W O]
Speaking of grown up life, I finally got my diploma and medical license in the mail! I guess that means it's officially real?! Going to get these bad boys framed this weekend so I can hang them in my brand new office at work!

[T H R E E]
The Bachelor is totally my guilty pleasure. It's sad how much I look forward to it while at work every Monday. In my opinion this season has been one of the best in a whiiiile. Ben seems like a genuinely good guy with morals and the remaining girls are all great. The very first episode I became team Lauren B and she is one of the last 3 left. I really think she is going to one! How gorgeous is she?! I'm obsessed with them as a couple!

[F O U R]
We got a new Keurig last week so that I could take our old one to work to have in my office. We got the new 2.0 Keurig and I like it a lot! I really want a super nice expresso maker but right now it just isn't practical for us. It looks sleek and comes with a coffee pot so that you can brew an entire pot versus just a cup if you want!

[F I V E]
My in-laws gave us a gift card to our favorite sushi restaurant for Valentine's Day so we had a mid-week date this week! This was a treat because we never go out to eat during the week. Yummy!

Linking up with AmandaApril, and Karli!


  1. You totally look professional in your white coat and very official!! Love the new keurig maker you guys got, I think we need to upgrade ours...we've had it for like 5 years!! Happy Friday! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. You've definitely worked hard and deserve that coat! And I think it's totally normal to feel "weird" about being a full blown adult, especially after spending so much time in school and studying.
    I'm liking Lauren B the best out of the final 3. I actually don't dislike any of them... Caila is a little Disney princess for me, and I think she's gonna be gone this week. He seems like he has a better connection with Jojo and Lauren.
    Yay for a mid-week sushi date! Now you have me craving it--maybe for dinner tonight! :)

  3. You are totally rocking that coat, lady, love it. And cheers to a sushi gift card, what a great gift!

    An espresso machine is a must for our new place, I can't wait till we get to use it.

  4. That coat looks great on you! I am loving this season of The Bachelor, too. I haven't ever really watched, but I definitely try to catch this one when I can. Team Lauren for sure!

  5. You look amazing in that coat! Love your outfit (and that phone case lol)! Congrats on finally getting that degree in the mail! Have a great weekend :)

  6. That coat looks awesome on you! And you worked your butt off for it, so even more reason to rock it! I still don't feel like an adult, even at almost 29. I'm always looking around for the nearest "adult" to come adult better than me. ;) Ha! "The Bachelor" is super good this season. I was dying last Monday at JoJo's mom just drinking straight from the bottle! And yes, I think Lauren B. is the winner!

  7. You totally deserve that white coat!! Bachelor is my guilty pleasure too. I love Lauren and Jojo..but her family is cray. Hoping he chooses Lauren!!

  8. Isn't it SO weird being a grown up?! Some days I'm still like "wait, someone trusts me to run a department?!" LOL! Bonus, you are rocking that long white coat! And yes to that espresso machine! Happy Friday! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  9. Congrats lady! That is very exciting! The coat fits you. :) That sushi looks so yummy!

  10. Congrats again on the new job! So very, very exciting to finally be able to wear the white coat! (:


  11. so many fun things to celebrate this week! (i mean coffee is important haha) but that white coat looks like it was meant for you! and yay for the diplomas. all official! happy friday :)

    xoxo cheshire kat

  12. You look gorgeous in the white coat. I feel the same way about being an adult and since I graduated from UNC in 2012 I still am in disbelief I graduated 4 years ago. I agree that Lauren B. has been a front-runner all season! YAY for your diploma and license coming. I'm sure they will look great in your new office. Jess at Just Jess

  13. Look at you go in that white coat. That's awesome! Congratulations :)

    I hope Lauren B wins because who else can say later on to your kids "Yeah we had a hottub date in the middle of nowhere because that's normal right?"

    Have a good weekend girl!

  14. Look at you in that white coat! Just think about all those clinical hours slaving away and then you realize how much you do deserve it! So proud of you girl!

  15. You rock the white coat.

    I loved Lauren B. in the beginning, but now she makes my internal alarm go off. I feel like she wants to be the bachelorette or is up to something else fame wise. I really like Caila the most but I don't really like her with Ben that much. She's so bubbly and he's a little more...boring. I hope she's the next bachelorette.

  16. Congrats! And look at you all stylish underneath that white coat.

  17. My mouth is watering at the sight of that sushi. My favorite sushi place in Raleigh caught on fire a month or so ago so I haven't had sushi in so long. Thank goodness they are reopening! I still feel the same way, I don't know when if I'll ever feel like a grown up haha

  18. We had a Keurig just like that one deliver this week and we are a little too excited about it lol. I love that we have the option to brew a whole pot as well, it will help when we have a lot of people over at a time. Woo hoo for a new office!! :)

  19. Love your white coat outfit and I totally feel the same way. Ps. When did you get your medical license??!? I didn't know that came as a certificate because I have yet to get anything! Did you have to request it?? Let me know :)

    xo, Kristina

  20. ahhh your white coat looks amazing!!!! you totally earned it in every way because you are so smart and cool. ;) and the bachelor... right?!! Lauren b all the way!

  21. Love love love those degrees and that white coat. YOU DID IT!!!!!

  22. You look so professional in your white coat! Lauren B is by far my favorite and I honestly think she'll win, too! Hope you had a great weekend!

  23. Mid week dates are the best - and loving you in the white coat! Lauren B has been mine (and Derek's) favorite from the start too and I agree on this season being the best in a while - so good!

  24. Congratulations on that white coat!! I love how you made it look so chick with a cute top and colourful earrings!

  25. I love the long white coat! You look beautiful! And yay for the diploma and license. I love being able to brew an entire coffee pot with my new machine. And I adore the mid-week dinner date! xo, Champagne&Suburbs

  26. Girl, you are rocking that white coat and Kendra's! And yes, I love Lauren B. I think she wins, but JoJo is still my favorite! Maybe JoJo will be the next bachelorette!??!!
