Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Memorial Day weekend

 Friday after work we headed east and I could not WAIT to get to the beach, sit on the porch, and have a drink. We were prepared for this weekend to be a complete washout due to tropical storm Bonnie. Thankfully, the weathermen were 100% wrong and the entire weekend was beautiful! We enjoyed so much beach time, it was darn good for my soul.

We got paddle boards for Christmas from my mom so we decided to take them into the sound on Sunday. The ocean was too rough so we loaded them into the car and drove to the sound side. We paddled for 2 hours up and down the waterfront, stopping on docks to take a break and drink a cold beer. Yep, we had a cooler packed and strapped to the front of a board. Priorities people!

We are so very thankful for the men and women that sacrifice their lives for our freedom. They are the reason that we are able to enjoy beach weekends in our amazing country. It was a great Memorial Day indeed!


  1. It looked like such an amazing weekend from your Snaps! And I'm totally convinced weathermen should definitely NOT go to Vegas; they'd lose! #alwayswrong

  2. what a great weekend! pamela and i were loving the beer strapped to the board! we agreed - top priority! glad you had a good time and the weather held out!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  3. YAY for the weathermen being WRONG!! Looks like a perfect weekend!!

  4. I'm so glad that the weather held out for you guys so you got a great weekend that was perfect for your soul!

  5. What a perfect weekend! Really glad you guys were able to enjoy the great weather! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  6. Looks like such a great weekend girl! The weather looked amazing!

  7. What a fun weekend! Love when the weather man says rain and then is wrong! We were expecting rain this Saturday coming up and now it says partly cloudy with 73* I'll take it for our babyq haha xo Happy Tuesday

  8. So glad the weather held out for everyone down at the beach this weekend!! I was living vicariously through everyone's pics down there. Really wished we could have gone! Looks like y'all had a great time. Paddle boarding into Beaufort with a cooler of beer sounds like a dream haha ;)

    Love you! -D

  9. What a fun Memorial Day Weekend!!! So glad you were able to get away and recharge!!

  10. ahh that is just the best!! and how much fun with your paddle boards!!! looks like a much-needed long weekend!!

  11. What a great weekend! Being at the beach is just good for the soul.

  12. What a fantastic weekend!! I love the paddleboard and cooler idea - definitely thinking there :) So glad Bonnie didn't ruin all your fun!

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  13. Looks like a great Memorial Day weekend! I have never tried paddle boarding!

  14. Awesome photos - what a perfect view from the porch!

  15. Looks like it was a beautiful weekend! I have't tried paddle boarding yet. My boyfriend and I really want to invest in a set of kayaks. Down in Savannah, GA, the dolphins love to swim near people. It's so neat!

  16. Looks like the perfect way to kick off summer! I love that you guys got paddle boards for Christmas - we always talk about doing that but haven't pulled the trigger yet!

  17. With the exception of Saturday, we had some pretty great weather.. thank goodness!! And a 3-day weekend was just what I needed :) The beer strapped to the paddle board is the best!!

    xo, Kristina
    Medicine & Manicures

  18. I can't complain that the weathermen were wrong this weekend! It was so nice to be able to enjoy a few days in the sun! So glad you had a relaxing weekend! Xo, Stephanie

  19. That sounds like such an awesome Memorial Day weekend! Love your paddle board excursion and that you had beer strapped to the front, SO smart! Loving that black bikini too! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  20. Looks like y'all had so much fun! I love paddleboarding. It's such a great workout!

  21. Looks like it was a great long weekend.

  22. You look great --- love your swimsuits!! Sounds like an amazing weekend - love the pictures with the drinks & the ocean in the background, heavenly!!

  23. Looks like a great weekend! And love the swim tops!

    Southern Style

  24. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! I have been searching fruitlessly for a pattern or tutorial on this for more than a year. My sincere gratitude to you for putting the work into this pattern and sharing it for free!

  25. I need you + the beach asap xoxoxo

  26. Y'all are SO fun! Love that y'all went paddle boarding! xo, Champagne&Suburbs
