Monday, August 22, 2016

Weekending: Eric Church concert!

This weekend was one of the first weekends we haven't been at the beach! Friday night we had dinner with some friends who are about to begin IVF. We got to talk them through the process, let them know what to expect, and encourage them. 

Saturday morning it was up early to drive an hour to my cousin's baby shower. It was such a sweet time with family and friends. I am so thankful for my husband's family and all my beautiful cousins on his side! I can't wait to meet this sweet baby girl.

 After the shower we sped home to get ready for the Eric Church concert. We had a big group for tailgating then we headed inside the concert which started off with Kid Rock, which, by the way, I am NOT a fan of. After Kid Rock came Eric Church who was AMAZING! If it weren't for the ridiculous, obnoxious drunk people sitting in front of and behind us, it would have been one of the best concerts I've been to. My husband and I started listening to Eric Church the first year we began dating when he wasn't well-known at all and have loved him ever since.


Speaking of "when we started dating"… 7 years ago today a tall, blonde, UNC baseball player picked me up and took me on our first date. He asked if he could take me out to dinner and I politely declined, thinking that he would be a hugely cocky Division I jock. And I couldn't have been more wrong! My mom forced convinced me to call him back and say yes, telling me that I "needed to meet new people in college". And the rest is history! Here's a major throwback to our first picture together. Look at that graphic tee HA!

Linking up with Meghan and Biana


  1. What a fun filled weekend you had!! Loving that throwback picture of you guys - so sweet and so glad you gave that guy a chance :) xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. I have been obsessed with his songs lately! So fun! Glad you had a great weekend, Owen! :)

  3. What a fun weekend!! We have several friends who went to that concert! I love Eric church! I'm
    Laughing at your moms advice.: this is so something my mom would have said to me too!

  4. a great weekend indeed! loving that off the shoulder dress in the first shot too :) and happy 7 years! holy moly that t-shirt haha. i remember avoiding guys who wore those ;) haha good thing you called him back! oh what a fun story.

    xoxo cheshire kat

  5. Gahhhh. You look so cute!! That off the shoulder dress was made for you!! Too funny about turning the hubs down. I would have likely done the same if I were you. ;)

  6. Love that OTS dress you wore to the shower- so cute!! And that picture of y'all is so funny, my how things change!! Have a great week :)

    xo, Kristina
    Medicine & Manicures

  7. What a fun weekend! That concert sounds like a blast, minus the drunk people. And happy 1st date-iversary! You two are so stinkin' cute! FYI, obsessed with those sandals you wore to the shower! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  8. I am dying with the throw back picture! G's t-shirt makes me lol!! R had some pretty bad outfit choices before I met him... thank god his fashion sense has gotten better! Whew! So glad yall had a fun weekend! Get together soon?

  9. What a fab weekend! Happy 7 years, glad your mom told you to call him back. Moms always know.

  10. Such a fun filled weekend! Happy Dating Anniversary - ours is in August too!!

  11. What a fun weekend! Love the dress you wore to the baby shower, and how fun is that picture!? Happy Date-aversary! :)

  12. I am so jealous that you all went to the Eric Church concert! We were really wanting to but we moved my sister into her first dorm at UNC. I heard it was an amazing concert!

  13. I mean can you two be anymore gorgeous?!?!?! I love that dress for the shower and is that a romper or dress for the concert? I need details on both please :)

  14. Happy Dateversary! Loving your off-the-shoulder dress in the top pic :)

  15. Awww happy dateversary!! What a fun weekend seeing Eric Church, too!

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  16. What a great weekend!! I looove Eric Church and def want to see him in concert sometime soon!

  17. Ah! I love Eric Church! I missed his last show here in San Diego and sadly his next one will be too far away to go!! I'm so bummed that I missed him... I can't wait until he comes back, he is seriously one of my favorite country artists! I hope you had a fabulous time at his concert. I love the dress you wore to the baby shower... so cute!

  18. awww what a fun date night for you guys!!! i bet it was a great show! and OH my gosh, yall are too cute in that throwback pic!!! his shirt! yes!!

  19. Happy dating anniversary!! My husband is a huge Tar Heels fan and loves following the baseball team! We saw a game last spring and I loved it too!!
    Xo, Evelina @ Fortunate House

  20. I love dating anniversaries and I still remember you hemming & hawing between going on a date with him! I love Eric Church, too! Loved all your outfits! xx, I'm Fixin' To
