Monday, September 12, 2016

Pregnancy update: weeks 1-14

How far along are you?
14.5 weeks

Size of baby?
A large Georgia peach

Not yet

-Starting on the day of transfer I began having cramping off and on. I was so excited to feel it so soon because I was praying that meant baby was "implanting". Apparently it was true! I have continued to have cramping off and on. My doctor has reassured me over and over that it's just my uterus stretching to accommodate growing baby.
-Sore boobs began even before transfer from my progesterone injections but that has gone away for the most part.
-Exhaustion is something fierce. Whew it's all I can do to not fall asleep on the drive home from work. I am hoping this goes away soon because I need to get my butt back in the gym!
-Just in the past 2 weeks I have had a pretty constant headache. I had a migraine basically all Labor Day weekend and had to stay in the dark. Taking Tylenol is like taking a sugar pill… it does nothing!
-I was literally praying for nausea so that I could feel some reassurance that things were working. Everyone kept telling me, "just wait until 6 weeks, it will come!" I literally woke up on the morning of 6w0d and felt like death and it lasted 24/7. For about 4 days I couldn't eat anything or even function without feeling like I was going to puke everywhere. Luckily my doctor is A-ok with me taking Zofran so that got me through work. Thankfully I only had to take it for a few days. Since then the nausea comes and goes. Sometimes I feel it right when my alarm goes off, sometimes it doesn't set in until 7pm or so. I will be hovering over the toilet smiling and telling my husband how thankful I am to be feeling this way. I am loving every second of every terrible symptom!

I have NEVER had trouble sleeping in my entire life until now. I usually fall asleep the second my head hits the pillow. This has seriously changed! I am waking up usually 4 times a night to pee and usually wake up around 5:00am for good and can't go back to sleep. So weird because at all times.

We will find out at our anatomy scan around 18 weeks when we can have a fun gender reveal party with all our family and friends. I have always wanted a boy first and G wants a girl. Of course I will be over the moon with boy or girl! I really had no gut feeling for a while but I am starting to lean towards girl.

Not craving anything but the thought of 90% of food makes me gag. So basically I am eating what doesn't sound terrible to me and it's mostly unhealthy. Cereal, bagels, crackers, Gatorade, fresh fruit, etc. Looking at or smelling fish or chicken puts me over the edge!

Maternity clothes?
I took the plunge and bought 3 pair of maternity jeans last weekend. Where have these been all my life?! They feel like Heaven! I haven't worn them yet but you better believe I will be living in those things once it starts getting cool outside.

Missing most?
I thought I would miss champagne or a cold beer but I really haven't missed it. I think because my stomach has been feeling so queasy. I did miss having mimosas with my girlfriends this past weekend when we were tailgating. Not missing anything terribly right now… super thankful to NOT be able to drink or eat deli meat or sushi!

So excited. He tears up at every single ultrasound (as do I). Going through infertility has truly made us appreciate every tiny part of this. He is the best hubby, waiting on me hand and foot when I feel terrible. He loves putting his face up to my belly and "talking" to baby.

The nursery will go where our guest bedroom currently is and the guest bedroom will be moved to our "study" aka junk room. That room is filled with our desks, a couch, and basically all our crap that we have nowhere else to put. The first step is cleaning this room out so that's where we are now. Once it's empty we will move the guest bedroom then have a blank slate to start working a nursery! It will definitely keep us busy all Fall!

Best part of the week?
I am super spoiled because there is an ultrasound machine at my work so I can basically get one whenever I want to. I've had at least 10 ultrasounds already… I'm addicted. I had one this past Wednesday and baby looked SO big and was moving ALL around!! Makes me so so happy.

Looking forward to?
Finding out the gender! I can't wait for that! We already have both a girl and boy name picked out (and we have for years) so I can't wait to start calling baby by name! And start shopping for nursery. Also can't wait to start feeling baby move. That will reassure me that baby is doing ok in there. I honestly can't wait for every part of this pregnancy! Eeep I'm just so sticking excited!


  1. What a great update!! I had terrible headaches around the 14 week mark with a pregnancy and my doctor said it was a good sign that my hormones were shifting and the morning sickness (and exhaustion) would be leaving soon - she was right! I hope it means the same for you!! You look great!! Enjoy those ultrasounds :)

  2. Oh how sweet is your husband!! I love that he talks to your growing belly!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. I LOVE this update! So happy for you, through all of this!! :)

  4. yay for this update - love hearing how things are going. it's all just so exciting and how adorable do you look in every one of those photos!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  5. That is so very sweet that your hubby talks to your belly. Glad to hear that things are going well for you. You look gorgeous.

  6. I love seeing these updates, I am so excited for you and your husband! You look great!

  7. Love this so much. I know you've been waiting forever for this blessing. You look so happy girl!


  8. Love this so much. I know you've been waiting forever for this blessing. You look so happy girl!


  9. How exciting!!!I remember in the first few weeks I felt like I had some cramping and things going on so I think I felt the "implanting" stage too!! So awesome that you have an ultrasound machine at your ready to see what is going on in there anytime you want! I had a strong feeling that I was having a girl and I was craving all the things you mentioned - cereal, carbs and fruit and I still cant eat chicken or fish.

  10. Yay, so glad you're doing these updates! Can't wait to find out if it's a boy or girl!

  11. I got tears in my eyes reading this update. I am just so happy for the both of you! You seriously look amazing and can't wait to find out what you are having. I have echo machines at my office so when that day comes, I will be all over that as well ;)

  12. This is the sweetest update girl! I'm so happy for you guys and can't wait to follow along!! Your little bump is just the cutest little blessing!

  13. This is probably my favorite pregnancy post. Not that gals who get pregnant naturally aren't happy, but your excitement and gratefulness oozes through your post. I'm beyond happy for you.

  14. So sweet!! I am so incredibly happy for you guys! Love that Garrett is talking your your little one already. I hope the food aversion goes away for you soon. I know that's miserable working and doing anything when you feel crappy! Even though I love that you're appreciating even the bad symptoms of pregnancy. SO many women take that for granted! Cannot wait to find out what you're having friend! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  15. So exciting! I love reading this post because you can tell how excited and happy you are about this pregnancy! Can't wait for more updates!

  16. Ahhh this makes me so happy!! Glad things are going well and can't wait to find out what you're having!!

    xo, Kristina
    Medicine & Manicures

  17. This just makes me so happy!! Y'all are going to be the best parents ever!! Can't wait to see what the gender is and hopefully you'll share the name ;)

  18. Yay!!! All such fun progress! And SO cool that you can basically take a little peek at the baby whenever you want :) :)

  19. YAY! I'm glad things are going so well and can't wait to hear more about your journey to becoming a family. I'm so excited for y'all! Jess at Just Jess

  20. I feel the same way about maternity jeans! I got my first pair of Jessica Simpson maternity skinny jeans and they are so comfortable!! I could wear them even when not pregnant! Glad you're feeling better!

  21. Congrats!! Wow, such an amazing time!! I love following along!
    XO, Jillian

  22. I love these kinds of updates! What a blessing this little one is for you and your hubby!

  23. My whole first trimester I was sooooo sleepy! Not even tired, just super sleepy. Around 1pm I wanted a nap so badly. Which wasn't a good thing considering I was working! I literally only ate bagels fruit and crackers my first trimester!! So so sooo excited for you and your husband!

  24. There is no exhaustion like pregnancy exhaustion! I can't wait for you to find out the gender!! I'm guessing girl! ;)

  25. So, so exciting! I hope you start feeling better soon. You look great! We had a bit of trouble getting pregnant, but thankful we were able to and now have a 13-month-old. Going through that continues to make us so incredibly grateful for our daughter, so I understand the feeling!

  26. Fish or chicken makes me gag too! I am so excited for you to feel the movement…it feels so weird at first but it's the best feeling. I can't wait to hear what you are having! Have you started your registry? Mine is starting to stress me out…and nursery? Oh gosh, I don't know where to start!

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