Monday, October 24, 2016

Weekending: a weekend at home!

This weekend was the first weekend that actually felt like fall in NC. It was so cool in the mornings but warmed up by afternoon and we spent as much time outside as possible! How is it already the last week of October? It is blowing my mind!!

My husband was out of town for a work conference all week until Saturday so Friday night was date night with my sweet niece. We went to the movies and saw Storks which was decent. She liked it but I've seen cuter children's movies. Then she had a sleepover at my house. Gosh I just love this girl and how she will touch my belly and talk about her baby cousin.

Saturday was the most productive day ever. I spent all morning cleaning the house, grocery shopping, going to the gym, etc. I was even able to vote early before Garrett got home!

Saturday late afternoon he got home and I was sooo happy! I missed him so much! We decided to go to Saturday night church so that we could have all day Sunday to spend outside, watch football, etc. After church we headed to my mom's house for dinner with my whole family. We grilled out steaks with stuffed potatoes, asparagus, salad and I made a homemade apple crisp which was out of this world (tooting my own horn). Recipe coming to the blog soon!

Sunday was for lazy mornings drinking coffee, gym, grocery store, watching Garrett play tennis, football, and crock pot taco soup. Am I the only one in disbelief that Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner?! I am already itching to decorate for Christmas and bust out my Christmas music ;)

Linking up with Biana and Meghan


  1. Sounds like a great weekend at home! I love the relationship that you have with your niece and nephew--so sweet! And YES to apple crisp!

  2. I was really wanting to see stork so I guess I'll wait until it comes to DVD lol!! Love how much time you spend with your sweet niece and nephew!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. love that outfit! Can't wait for the apple crisp recipe mmm. Happy Monday!

  4. Looks like such a lovely weekend, yum to apple crisp and love your outfit!

  5. Wow you really did have a productive Saturday, good for you! Can we just talk about how you are seriously glowing?! Pregnancy looks amazing on you girl! Love that dress and sweater combo you wore for church! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  6. What a lovely weekend! I love that you can have sleepovers with your niece - seriously the sweetest! Isn't it funny how productive we are when the hubby's aren't around ;) my husband is leaving for a business trip tomorrow and while I'll miss him terribly, he doesn't travel much so I'm looking forward to a productive few days. Sounds like the rest of your weekend was fantastic! I can't wait for Thanksgiving and Christmas! I tried to convince Stephen to listen to Christmas music on the drive to my parents before Thanksgiving lol

  7. That sounds like a perfect mix of relaxing and productivity! I can't believe how fast the year is flying by... it's crazy!

  8. I can't believe it's almost November... I don't even know where October went! I'm ready to skip Halloween and Thanksgiving and go right to December... Glad you had such a great weekend and that the Hubs is home!

  9. Yes to Christmas music even though it's far too early, I'm always in the mood for Christmas :)! Sounds like you had an equally relaxing and productive weekend!
