Tuesday, October 11, 2016

We're having a...

If you follow me on Instagram then you've already heard the news, but we are having a precious baby GIRL! We are over the moon and just so excited to meet and love on her. My husband and I both thought it was a boy so I was in complete shock when I saw pink confetti. I started crying and couldn't stop! I am just so thankful, I can't even describe it! My husband wanted a girl from day 1 and the thought of seeing the two of them together makes my heart burst. Bring on all the bows and pink!


  1. So so so excited for you!!! I thought girl at first, and then changed to boy, so I guess I was right and wrong lol. Either way I know how much that little girl is already loved, and how much more she'll be loved once she's here!

  2. I watched the video like 10 times! It was so sweet. So so thrilled for y'all! As a boy Mom I can only imagine how fun it will be to have a girl!! Big congrats!!

  3. Congrats again. The video was so sweet and I'm glad despite the hurricane, the party went on!

  4. Yay yay yay!! That's going to be one beautiful little girl!

  5. seriously you guys are just THE cutest and will obviously have the cutest baby girl in all the land. i've decided :) congrats again!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  6. These pictures are so very sweet!! Congratulations!!!!

  7. I love this post SO MUCH!! Congratulations on your sweet baby girl! Thrilled for yall!

  8. I cried when I watched your video on Insta! So flippin happy for you two!!! She is going to be one loved little lady!

  9. OMG that's the best surprise!!! I just love how your husband wanted a girl so bad - the sweetest thing! I'm so happy for y'all!

  10. Such great news! Congratulations on being a girl mom!

  11. Congratulations!!! That is SO cute that your husband wanted a girl : ) You two are a beautiful couple!

  12. So excited for y'all! I was totally #TeamBoy, too, but I know you'll have a WONDERFUL time with this sweet baby girl! Cannot wait to "meet" her! :) xoxoxo

  13. Congrats!!! Your baby girl is going to be so precious!

  14. Yay! Girls are so much fun :) Congratulations!

  15. I am sooooo happy for you guys!! What a blessing and I'm sure she will be absolutely precious. Ryan wants a boy because he says he can't handle two of me.. ha!

    xo, Kristina

  16. Congrats! I am so happy for y'all! Jess at Just Jess
