Monday, March 27, 2017

Vivian Kate | 1 month

I cannot believe my baby is 1 month old! Time is flying and I am trying to soak up every single minute.

As of this past Friday when she was 1 month and 1 day, she weighted 9lb 4oz. She is 21 inches long. She is in the 50th percentile for height and weight and her head is in the 75th percentile. My family has big heads!

She is still sleeping in the rock n' play beside our bed. We bought the Halo bassinet which she hates... that figures. She really doesn't like sleeping flat on her back but we are trying to work on it. It makes me feel better that she is a little propped up in the rock n' play because she spits up a lot and I'm terrified she is going to choke.

We feed her around 9:00pm then put her down and she usually wakes up to eat around 12:30am, 3:30am, and 6:30am. My amazing husband does the 12:30am feeding which is SO great because even though I still wake up, I get to stay in bed and doze back off. After her 6:30am feeding I usually put her on my chest to snuggle for a little while then we get up around 7:30am to let the dog out, have coffee, and watch the news... our morning routine!

For the most part she is eating 3oz every 2.5-3 hours. At her 9pm feeding we give her 4oz and occasionally after eating 3oz she is still acting starving so we will give her 1 more ounce. I am so sad to no longer be breastfeeding but it just didn't work for us. I miss that special time with her but we are both so much happier. She is full and satisfied and I am enjoying her SO much more now. This could be a whole post of it's own...

She is still in newborn diapers and newborn outfits. I have put her in a few 0-3 month gowns which are a tiny bit big but we make them work. She has soo many adorable gowns and outfits that are 0-3 months that she is so close to fitting into!

Sleeping on my chest, being worn in the Solly wrap, being held, riding in the car, laying on her stomach, getting a bath.

Being swaddled, laying flat on her back, getting her diaper changed.

We traveled 2 hours to Raleigh for the day to shop and we also traveled 2 hours to the beach for the weekend. She was so good and never made a peep during both of our road trips! She went to church for the first time yesterday and was so good! We have been on long walks almost every day and she absolutely loves them. 


  1. Yay for all of the likes and milestones and weight gained! And girl you look GREAT! Please let me bounce back like you have haha

  2. She's precious!! You look awesome! Breastfeeding is hard and I too stopped pretty early on. If you are formula feeding you've got to invest in the baby brezza formula pro!! It's a life savor and basically makes the bottles like a keurig. Amazing for all times but especially middle of the night feeds. You're doing an awesome job mama!!

  3. She is just a DOLL! And like I told you: fed is best! ;) You're a great mom no matter what way you choose to feed your baby. And you look fabulous; how did you just have a baby a month ago?! xoxo

  4. I love all of her little outfits so far -- so cute! You look amazing girl!!

  5. Ahh those little feet - she's so adorable!! You look absolutely fantastic girl! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  6. I can't believe it's been one month!!! I couldn't breastfed and it was so hard, but a FED baby is best! So glad you two are doing what's best for you. And you look amazing!!

  7. aw happy 1 month to that precious girl! cant believe it. and you look AMAZING.

    xoxo cheshire kat

  8. What a doll! Love how well you guys are doing and your outings sound fun too! You look fantastic :)

  9. So great to meet you Vivian - welcome to this beautiful world! I'm so excited she's here!

  10. She is absolutely adorable! I love that you are soaking up every little moment with her :)

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  11. So sweet! Motherhood looks so good on you pretty mama!! And how do you already look so fit??? Vivian is just beautiful and I'm so happy she's been such a doll !

  12. How has it already been a month!? Time is flying and you're doing an amazing job! You will need to share all your secrets to looking so great so quickly ;)

  13. Girlfriend, you are adjusting so well!! So awesome that you can work part time... that sounds like it will be the perfect fit! Vivian is one blessed baby... I wish I could come over and love on her!

  14. OMG girl, how is she already one month!? I feel like you just had her! She's so cute and you look amazing! That's great she made the road trip easy, makes it easy and better for you guys! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

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