Friday, May 12, 2017


Happy Friday! This weekend is bittersweet for me... my first Mother's Day and my last weekend before I go back to work next week. I am going to soak up alllll the baby snuggles this weekend!

[O N E]
Last week I got four adorable bubbles for Vivian at Old Navy for a whopping total of $40! Now that is a good deal!

[T W O]
I have been on the hunt for a new devotional and I saw this one on an Insta story and scooped it up immediately! I am only a few days in but so far I am loving it.

[T H R E E]
Totally random but I got our carpets professionally cleaned this week and I feel so accomplished! I had a long to-do list for my maternity leave and I finally checked that one off the list in the knick of time. Just knowing they are clean makes our house feel so much better. How often do you get your carpets cleaned?

[F O U R]
I saw this adorable beach bag on Natasha's blog and fell in love! We will be at the beach almost every weekend this summer and the beach with a baby= a lot more crap to haul onto the beach. I was way overdue for a new bag and this one is perfect!

[F I V E]
I never shared Vivi's birth announcements on my blog but we sent them out a few weeks ago and I just love them. Once again, Minted did not disappoint. I cannot believe how much she has grown since these pictures were taken. Makes me so sad!

Linking up with April and Amanda


  1. I hope this weekend is super slow for you girl - enjoy all the baby snuggles! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. OMG those bubbles are the cutest, such a great find! And loving that beach bag!! Hope this weekend crawls by for you and you have the best Mother's Day girl, you deserve it!

  3. Old Navy makes the cutest little bubbles and you can't beat the price! I picked up a few 0-3 months options to have and don't even feel bad if she grows out of them fast since they're so cheap! LOVE that beach bag!

  4. Happy first Mother's Day to you! And I know it's tough going back to work. I wish I had words of encouragement, but all I will say is that I'm here for you if you need me! Snuggle that sweet baby and get lots of kisses and rocking time in this weekend. Praying for all of you during this transition!

  5. Happy first Mother's Day!! I can't imagine how you are feeling going back to work, thankfully it's only part time! But that doesn't make it any easier! Love that beach bag.. doesn't the Amt of stuff we have to take to the beach triple with one kid? It's even worse with two! Enjoy your weekend, friend!!

  6. You go girl --- I desperately need to get our carpets cleaned - I cannot tell you how many times I've spilled coffee going up and down the stairs lol LOVE those bubble outfits, precious!

  7. That beach bag is really fun!!

  8. Enjoy all the baby snuggles! Those bubbles are so adorable. Jess at Just Jess

  9. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Happy 1st Mother's Day.

  10. Aww, what a precious baby girl! Love the birth announcements. We could really use a professional carpet cleaning around my house. That devotional looks great--I'll have to see if I can get my hands on a copy. Happy first Mother's Day!

  11. That beach bag is adorable and thanks for sharing your sweet announcement. Have a wonderful Mother's Day!!!

  12. Love the birth announcements - they are adorable!! Enjoy your Mother's Day!

  13. Such a gorgeous announcement, love the pictures.

  14. Her announcements turned out beautifully!

  15. Love the announcements!! And love that y'all are in one of the pictures - I think it's so important to include yourselves! That bag is darling - we were down on The Gulf last week and I wish I had it then! Also, those bubbles! ON FTW!

  16. LOVE her birth announcements! So cute. That beach bag looks perfect for the summer- fun and festive! Those bubble outfits are adorable too. Happy first Mother's Day and enjoy every moment!!!!

  17. I love her birth announcement. My girls lived in bubble dresses their first summer. Old Navy has the best little dresses, shorts and jumpers for kids! Have a wonderful first Mother's Day!

  18. Old Navy is killing it with the rompers lately! I just got a bunch of them, too - now I just need the weather to warm up here!! And ordering that devotional, looks like a good one!

  19. Minted is seriously the best! I love the sweet announcements you sent. Happy Mother's Day!

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  20. LOVE the beach bag! I have too many bags, but I just love them. :)

  21. Vivian's birth announcements are perfection!! Love them!

  22. I hope you had the best first Mother's Day and I really hope your first week back at work goes well! I can't imagine what you're feeling but everyone says it will get better :)

  23. oh those bubbles are unreal!!!! gosh, i miss baby girl clothes!! they will look sooooo precious on your little lady!! sweet thing!!
