Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Vivian Kate | 3 months

My precious Vivian, I cannot believe you are already 3 months old (as of yesterday)! You are our world! I love watching you change and grow every single day and I can't imagine life without you! I love you baby girl!

Not exactly sure how much she weighs because she hasn't been to the doctor since her 2 month appointment. Her next appointment is at 4 months and I will be so interested to see because she is getting super chunky!

She is still waking up once a night (and twice a night on rare occasions). We put her in her crib around 8pm and she goes straight to sleep. She usually wakes up around 3am for a bottle then goes right back to sleep until 6:30am or so. We have made huge improvements in the napping department! She is a pro napper now. She usually wakes up around 6:30am and goes down for a nap around 8:00am in her crib and will sleep for an hour or so. She is usually awake for an hour then sleeps for an hour. She loves sleeping on her stomach in her crib so I let her nap on her belly but she sleeps on her back at night. I can definitely tell that she is happier and less fussy when she gets her naps in her crib versus just taking cat naps in her carseat.

Yesterday I just increased her to 5oz from 4oz. She usually eats about every 3 hours but was starting to get hungry every 2 hours so I knew it was time to bump her up.

In mostly 3-6 month clothes but is also wearing some 6 month. I was so sad when she no longer fit in 0-3 month clothes :( She is growing like a weed!

She still loves bathtime! She loves going on walks in her stroller, sleeping on her belly, napping in her crib, sitting up and practicing holding her head up. Also, she is totally a morning person like her parents! She is her happiest of the entire day at 6:30am.

Being hungry, being sleepy and not in her crib, pacis, being swaddled.

We celebrated our first Mother's day which was the greatest! She got to hang out with all her cousins on Garrett's side. This picture of our Nana with all her great grandkids is priceless and I will cherish it forever! We are heading to the beach this weekend for her first Memorial Day weekend and I can't wait!


  1. Yay for being a good sleeper!! I knew she would figure out naps in the crib. I know it's so nice for you too! What a big girl. I can't believe she's already 3 months! The time flies!!

  2. She is the cutest! I read Moms on Call and they always reiterated that babies get their best sleep in their cribs. So glad she's a good little sleeper now!

  3. so so sweet! i just love how adorable she is and all that you share with us. yay for your first mothers day - how is she 3 months already??

    xoxo cheshire kat

  4. Sweet baby doll! Loving her happy smiles and super cute outfits! Aren't girls so much fun?! xo

  5. Yay for better naps!!! That makes a world of difference - for baby and for mom ;) Happy 3 months little Vivian!

  6. She is always dressed SO cute! I love it! Happy 3 months, pretty girl!

  7. Happy 3 months! She is so stinking cute!

  8. She is so precious and I love all of her headbands and her adorable clothes! I'm so glad she is sleeping and eating well; what a relief to y'all I know! Happy 3 Months, Vivi!

  9. Oh my goodness, she is just so adorable!! So glad she's sleeping so well! You dress her in the cutest outfits :) Happy 3 Months, Vivian!

  10. She is just precious and I LOVE watching her grow and seeing all your sweet pics <3 What a sweet angel!

  11. oh myyyy goodness, she is just an absolute delicious sugary feast!!! i cannot even believe she is 3 months. and crazy how 3 little months can fly by like they're nothing but seem like forever at the same time!

  12. Loved reading this!! 3 months already, time is flying!! Glad all is going well!!

  13. She's so precious!
    Any tips you can pass along regarding getting her to sleep in her crib?
    Would love to hear them!

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