Thursday, June 22, 2017

Reader poll!

Friends, I need help! I feel like I'm in sort of a blogging rut, hence why I haven't been posting as much lately. My life has been revolving around baby and work but I miss blogging regularly. Are there any topics you'd like me to post about? Marriage, baby, infertility, recipes, fashion, medicine, etc. Answer these two questions for me in the comments section… 

1. Where are you from?
2. What posts would you like to see from me?


  1. 1. NC
    2. Day in the life! Love these posts so much!

  2. 1. MO!
    2. Healthy recipes are always appreciated, but I am with Emily - day in the life posts are my favorite!

  3. This sounds so cliche, but anything. I like your writing. Just don't turn into an r-style gal and monotone your blog to much as that can be frustrating with ads and hidden links.

  4. 1. OH
    2. Fitness/health, baby essentials/parenting/tips and tricks for all things baby, day to day happenings, home decor, balancing life as a working mom

  5. I very much enjoy your blog and don't think you are in a rut at all.
    1] Tennessee
    2] More about being a working mom, fashion [you have great style] and just life. I agree with Erin, you have such a wonderful writing style.

  6. 1. NC --> GA
    2. Pretty much enjoy reading about all the topics you listed! Fashion, life, marriage, anything'

  7. Michigan, and I LOVE anything baby related of course ;) Day to day stuff is always interesting and fashion/home finds. And honestly, you are doing great with posting since baby! It's so hard to find the time now!

  8. FL and I love reading all the things in the days of your and your little fam's life. just raw thoughts are always my fav to read (and write!)

  9. 1. Maryland
    2. Day in the life and baby posts!

  10. 1. NC.
    2. All of the above! I love hearing about your day, you have great style and who doesn't love home and recipe inspiration.
    Jess at Just Jess

  11. 1. South Carolina
    2. I love everything you share --- recipes, family, fashion, etc.

  12. 1. Dallas, Texas
    2. All of the above, but especially a day in the life. They're so hard to author, but I guess I'm nosy and love reading about people's day-to-day life. ;)

  13. Ohio
    Fashion - love your clothes and always wonder where they are from !!!

  14. 1. Florida
    2. Everything you mentioned - how baby life is going, maybe some things that are easier/harder than you thought they'd be, how things are different with you and your hubby than before baby (I'm going to miss our chill on the couch nights lol), how things are going with going back to work/daycare. Wow I'm super nosey lol!!

  15. 1 ) IN!
    2 ) I love your baby posts and day in the life posts! :)

  16. 1. CA
    2. Day in the life,fashion and family life

  17. 1) NC
    2) Love the day in the life, healthy recipes (esp ones that you can translate into lunches since I'm always struggling with that), books you're enjoying, etc. Nice to read about things that aren't work related and not be caught up in my own bubble of life!

  18. 1. Dallas
    2. Your life / recipes / your style... I keep reading because I like what you do here. ;)

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. You know where I'm from :) And I love just reading along with you and your life adventures. And if you want to start sharing some of your workouts I wouldn't hate it! You look AMAZING! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  21. Baby and new mom posts for sure!! I love learning from you moms :)

  22. NC and I love ALL of your post! Baby post, fashion, recipes, home tour, marriage-- I guess just all of the above (: PS- I just finished reading Slightly South of Simple.. I thought it was great! I also really liked her other two books, maybe even more, if you haven't read them yet!

  23. Tennessee
    I love all of your posts! Like everyone else, day in the life posts are so interesting! baby/marriage/life posts/home tour...basically anything you write I love lol.

  24. 1. TN
    2. Working mom and work stuff/finding a balance, work out posts especially after baby... I had a baby boy one day after you and work part time as an NP at an OBGYN office

  25. Texas
    Day in the Life, Day to Day, your precious baby!!

  26. 1. OH
    2. Your favorite baby products-like stroller, crib, baby monitor/camera, bottles

  27. I'm from AZ but have lived in montana (where my husband is from) for the past 2 years. I'm an attorney and about to be a first time mom, so I'd like work/life balance stuff, baby clothes (like a couple posts ago), etc.!
