Friday, July 7, 2017

5 Tips For Every New Mom

I've only been part of the "mom club" for 4.5 months but there are a few things that you learn quickly! Here are 5 Tips For Every New Mom that will save you some stress and meltdowns... all from firsthand experience ;)


ONE | Always have a change of clothes for baby in the diaper bag. Baby blowouts are not something to be taken lightly. Sh** happens. It's amazing how dirty a tiny newborn can get and there's nothing cute about poop exploding halfway up their back in the middle of Target and not having a clean outfit to put them in. I'm telling you this from experience.

TWO | Never say never. For example, "I am never feeding my baby formula", "I am never giving my baby a paci", "I am never letting my child watch tv", "I am never ____" because you will eat your words. When it's 2am and you haven't slept more than 20 minutes, all bets are off and you're pulling out your big guns. Convenience and sleep are crucial and you will likely do things post-baby that you swore to yourself you would not do pre-baby.

THREE | Go ahead and buy stock in pacis. Even though Vivi doesn't really like them, we have them scattered all over the house. Also, multiple pacis in the crib is key for when you're sleep deprived and fumbling around in the dark for anything to make them stop crying. Also, I'm convinced pacis disappear just like socks in the dryer. Stock up so you aren't making your husband run to the store at 11pm... again, from experience.

FOUR | Don't be offended by the comments people make to you. People will give you unsolicited advice and say things that leave you shaking your head. An older lady walked up to me when Vivi was about a month old and said, "Wow her eyelids are really red"... [Oh really, that's weird, I never noticed in the last 30 days of staring at her 24/7. Thanks for letting me know.] "Yes ma'am, they are called stork bites, they are temporary birthmarks that will fade in a few months". "Things aren't simple like they used to be". Wtf?? Just smile and walk away.

FIVE | Buy all the bright, tacky colored things. I know you probably don't want your perfectly decorated home filled with rainbow colored plastic toys and exersaucers. I didn't either. Now it looks like our house threw up rainbow but if it makes her happy, I'm happy. When she's grown and my home is perfectly decorated and spotless, I will be longing for a living room filled with exersaucers and play mats.

Veteran mamas, what other tips would you add for new mamas?! Linking up with April and Amanda!


  1. I love how real you are about all of this! I love listening to parents to be saying they're never going to do something. Never say never my friends! And loving that picture of you two! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  2. yes yes yes to all of this! We have paci's coming from every direction here. Nothing like getting stuck in the car with a screaming babe and not having a paci to give them! Ive definitely been in the boat of no spare outfit...and just wait until your second child, then you'll also forget an extra diaper, haha! I can't believe that woman said that, seriously people have no filter! I get so many comments about my boys hair and always looking like a girl, I just walk away! Have a great weekend friend!

  3. Yes, so much yes. The whole "never say never" thing especially. I'm doing things I said I'd "never" do and I'm just laughing at myself. I get so many comments and unsolicited advice, too, and you're right: you have to just let it roll off your back, as hard as it is. My best advice to anyone with toddlers? Always carry snacks! I learned that the hard way once and oh my Lord. Never again.

  4. I can't believe that lady in Target! Some people, I swear.... I'm not even going to pretend I'll "never" do xyz for the exact reason you said! When desperate times come from no sleep I'm sure I'll be alllllll about whatever makes her happy! Love this post :)

  5. The unsolicited advice why do people think they can just so freely give it?!?!? The never say never is such a good tip, sleep is essential and sometimes I bet you just have to throw those parenting books out the window lol

  6. this is just the sweetest! i swear people give unsolicited advice all the time and it's def hard (i'm sure) to just rise above it. good tips all around girlfriend! your'e rocking this!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  7. Amen to having stock in the paci's-they do go missing it is ridiculous! And yes, at the end of the day do what works for you as a family-take what others say with a grain of salt and know you are doing the best you can! :-)

  8. Literally writing all these down!! I'm laughing because I have about ten paci's on our registry and I'm like is that enough?! I've been struggling with the color - our house is all neutral or navy (great for the nursery) and I try to just find neutral baby stuff and Derek's like you know we're going to have colored toys all over?!

  9. I so try and keep in mind when I get unsolicited advice/opinions that every baby is different and only you know your baby! Everyone always used to say that to me and I never understood it until I had my little guy!

  10. I completely agree with everything you said!! I swear we have like 20 pacies in this house, but can only find three--I have no idea where they go!!

    Have a great weekend!

  11. What is with people and unsolicited advice regarding pregnancy and babies? I was just at Target yesterday and a lady came up and asked me how old Hadley was and I said just turned one! and she was like wow she's way too tiny, I'm assuming she was a preemie? Like wtf?! It gave me great pleasure to tell her that Hadley was actually 9 days overdue but thanks for the concern, ha!

  12. LOL at "the house threw up rainbow" - so the truth! But that nursery is heavenly. Like seriously, so posh!

  13. LOL... I'm secretly hoping you made up the stork bites comment... because that is a HILARIOUS response to a stupid comment.

  14. Owen, these are the best new mom tips- ever!!!!! Wish someone had shared them with me 20 years ago! 😊😊😊

  15. Your answer to the woman in Target was awesome. Also, people are so rude ugh

  16. I love this!! I keep laughing at all the things I say "never" to... I'm sure that will all change lol
