Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Flying With A Baby

We officially survived our first time flying with a baby. I was honestly scared to death to fly with her but she surprised me and did much better than I expected. We traveled to Key West (recap coming tomorrow) and it was 2 flights there and 2 flights back. When we booked our trip I began scouring blogland for tips on flying with a baby and I rounded up all the things we packed in her carry on. Yep, all this just for the plane. As is life with a baby. I would much rather be over-prepared than under-prepared.

1. Diapers and wipes. Duh.

2. Bottles. Bring more than you think you need because when all else fails, milk makes them happy. Also, security may drop one of them and the nipple will touch all over the floor and no one has time to wash a bottle in an airport (true story).

3. Water in a S'well bottle. These bottles are perfect because you can throw them in your bag and it won't leak or spill. Vivi drinks her bottles room temperate but if your babe likes them warm, S'well bottles keep liquids warm or hot for a long time! I did a lot of research and called the airport beforehand and they told me you can take liquids through security as long as you let them know it's for bottles.

3. Formula (unless you breastfeed, obviously). I packed this formula dispenser as well as a ziplock bag of formula for backup.

4. Pacis. I packed hers in this small clutch inside the carry on bag because I wanted to have them all together and know exactly where they were when needed. Having them in a separate smaller bag also kept them clean.

5. Baby Bjorn. This was SO helpful getting through security and the airports. I threw her in this so that I could be hands free which was so much easier than holding her. Plus she is a stage 5 clinger right now so she was super content.

6. Happy Baby organic greek yogurt melts. These were our "big guns". Aka when nothing else was making her happy, break out the food. Definitely try these (and any other snacks) a few times before doing it on the plane to make sure your little one isn't allergic.

7. Jennifer Ann personalized blanket. Not only is it super cute, but it folds up easily and doesn't take up a lot of space. We laid this on the airport floor between flights so she could play and get down for a while since I'm sure she was tired of being held.

8. Toys. I purchased a few new toys that I didn't let her play with until the flights so that they would be new and "interesting" to her. I brought take-along tunesocean glow sensory shakerneptune musical tunesSophie the giraffe and whimzle grasping toy.

9. Little Unicorn burp cloth and bibs because drool and spit up. Multiple of each!

10. Clean outfit. Thankfully no blowouts were had so we didn't end up needing this but always be prepared!

11. Happy Baby organic puffs. Again, these were our "big guns" and worked perfectly. She loved them and they kept her quiet. I'm not against bribery.

12. Hand and face wipes. Perfect after eating yogurt melts and puffs.

13. Bunny lovey. She likes to hold onto this when she sleeps.

I'm definitely no pro at flying with children but we successfully survived our first trip! Major mom win! Please let me know if you have any questions.


  1. you nailed it girl! Glad little V was a champ! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. You are a pro!! So glad she had such a good flight, makes it so much more enjoyable for you!!

  3. All such great tips! I know I'll be so nervous our first flight. These tips are saved :)

  4. Thank you for writing this! We're flying with our 5 month old for the first time next week, I'm freaking out lol. I keep telling myself, if it's a terrible experience, we'll never see the people on the plane again 😬 Were you able to wear her through security, or did you have to take her out?

  5. You go girl - looks like you did an awesome job traveling!! The trip looked like a blast, too!

  6. yaaay i'm so glad you guys did great!!! and baby wearing through the airport is THE best isn't it?! i'll probably do it as long as i can strap mine on without falling over. haha!

  7. That's awesome she did so well on 4 flights - that's a lot!! Thanks for the roundup - I'll have to save it :)

  8. Ahhh so glad it went well!!! We are doing this in about 3 weeks and I'm nervous as hell. Especially now that she's walking and never wants to sit still... a 4.5 hour flight is going to be super fun ;) Packing ALL THE FOOD!
