Friday, September 22, 2017


[O N E]
I truly love supporting small businesses and I have mentioned Willow Crowns many times on this blog. I just got their fall collection bows in the mail and I cannot wait for Vivi to wear them!!

[T W O]
I am an organization freak. I cannot stand clutter and I am constantly organizing and rearranging. One thing I have not given any attention to until this week is our spice cabinet. I organized, threw away everything that was expired, and holy cow I felt so accomplished after! I can't even show you a before picture because it was just embarrassing. 

[T H R E E]
My granddad has Alzheimer's that has progressed rapidly. Watching a brilliant man who was an orthodontist and a hugely influential person in our community go from riding his bike 7 miles a day to not knowing who you are in about 2 years is heartbreaking. But he absolutely lights up when kids or babies are around. I try to take Vivi to see him every week on my days off and he always asks to hold her. Last week he said, "She sure is pretty. Here, I'll take her... wow she's heavy!" We died. I will always cherish these pictures.

[F O U R]
How cute are these napkins I had made for a bridal shower I'm hosting for my best friend tomorrow?! They add the cutest touch and small, personalized details like this make showers feel so much more thoughtful and nice.

[F I V E]
This week I spent about 2 hours updating her baby book which I had been putting off for the longest time. I have this baby book and I love it. It has pages for monthly updates, their first holidays, birth story, baby showers, and lots more.


  1. I organized my spice cabinet a few months ago and it was so nice to get rid of all the junk i didn't use/expired! How sweet is your grandfather. Those pics of him with vivi, oh my! I know it's awful to watch him lose his memory. Have fun at the shower tomorrow, I love a personalized napkin!! I don't even have a baby book for Graham and Jacks is filled out like once..womp womp. mom fail! ha!! Happy weekend, friend,

  2. Oh girl, I need to attack my spice cabinet like none other. That is so sweet about your grandfather wanting to hold Vivi, but oh my word, my heart breaks for you and your family (and him). Alzheimer's scares me more than anything and it's just so sad to watch it happen to someone you love. Happy Weekend, friend!

  3. So so sorry about how Alzheimer's is effecting you family. We dealt with it with our grandmother, she was a chemist, graduated college in three years and was one of the kindest person who knew everyone's name. And then she stopped recognizing people and it was so heartbreaking. Prayers and love for your family.

  4. oh your sweet grandad. i'm sorry my friend. it's so wonderful that you're taking vivi there to see him though - the best memories/moments for sure. on a positive note, i love that baby book and all your organizing! it's amazing how rewarding it is to clear out clutter, right? happy weekend my friend!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  5. Love the baby booking!! I already tried to make notes to keep up with it once our little one is here but I know I'll get behind! As organized as I am also I'm with you - the spice cabinet is always a mess!

  6. Oh my goodness I would not share my spice cabinet either haha!! That is definitely something I need to tackle too :)

    Justine @ Charm City Ciemny's

  7. Love these pictures of Vivi with your granddad. So sweet! I'm sorry to hear he's mentally deteriorating rapidly though. That's so tough. :( Spice cabinets and disaster are synonymous. I'm convinced, lol.

  8. Oh man... I definitely need to update and clean up my spices. There's no telling the expiration date on some of them!
