Friday, December 1, 2017

Vivian Kate | 9 months

You turned 9 months old last week on Thanksgiving. Each month seems to pass by quicker than the month before. You have me and your dad wrapped around your finger. We love you so!

22lb 6oz. My chunk! And I could eat those rolls with a spoon!

Consistently sleeping from 7pm-6am, all the praise hands. Despite all the tricks in the book, I wouldn't say she's a naturally good sleeper (unfortunately). She has been in her crib since about 10 weeks old but we have struggled to get her to sleep 11 hours consistently. It seemed like right when she would start getting into a routine, she would get a cold or ear infection then she was back to crying at some point during the night.

We are on a pretty solid napping schedule too. She wakes up around 6am then naps from 8:30-10am usually. Then naps in the afternoon from around 1:30-3:30pm. We have a strict bedtime routine with bath at 6:15pm, wind down and read then bottle, rock and to sleep at 7pm. She is such a creature of habit and thrived on a strict schedule (like her momma!).

She hasn’t met a food she didn’t like. The only thing she’s hesitant about is scrambled eggs which is so weird but I think it's a consistency thing. She is eating basically all soft solids and loooves to feed herself. Some of her favorites are green beans, turkey, ham, cheese, blueberries, raspberries, mandarin oranges and sweet potatoes. I am still giving her some purées too.

For the most part we have a consistent eating schedule. She drinks 5oz of milk 4x a day, around 8am, 11:30am, 3:30pm and 7pm. She has breakfast right when she wakes up around 6:30am, lunch around 12:30pm and dinner around 5:30pm. This girl looooves to eat.

She is in 12m and some 12-18m clothes. She wore shoes for the first time last week which was hilarious. She was trying to pull and kick them off. I am totally team no shoes on babies but sadly I think shoes are in her near future as she starts moving around.

Loves bath time and being outside. She is happy 100% of the time when in her stroller walking. She gets bored easily and we joke that she is high strung (don't know where she got that from ;)). She isn't the most laid back baby ever but as long as she is being entertained, she's happy. She has a weird obsession with stuffed animals lately and any time you show her one, she just dies laughing. She loves going to the grocery store and sitting in the cart like a big girl.

Cannot stand getting her face and hands wiped off after meals. Also hates having clothes put on over her head. Hates being bored (diva) and is not a huge fan of car rides anymore.

Milestones and Memories
We celebrated your first Halloween and you were the cutest poodle I've ever seen. We took a family trip to Great Wolf Lodge and had the absolute best time... you are definitely a water baby. Sadly, you got an ear infection for the second time this month. You were acting totally normal but your fever gave it away. We also celebrated your first Thanksgiving which was extra special this year. You still aren't crawling but I know you could if you wanted to. I think you're just lazy. You love pulling up and I think you may walk before you crawl. You will let go of something you're holding on to and try to walk to me... you're way too brave already, it scares me!


  1. owen, I can't get over how sweet she is. Seriously I want to eat her up!! I can't believe how big she's getting! You've got one precious girl on your hands!

  2. She is such a pretty girl and I LOVE the way you dress her (the bows! AHH!). And OMG, she is only two pounds less than Knox...who is 9 months older than her. I love it! Happy 9 Months, sweet girl!

  3. She is the cutest!! I love her little Feather Baby outfits!

  4. She is the most precious baby!!! I mean those eyes and those rolls - could she be any cuter?! I think not!

  5. Happy Nine Months Vivian! It's been so beautiful to watch you grow!

  6. oh my gosh, she is delicious.
