Monday, January 29, 2018

Weekend review: back to our alma mater!

Happy Monday friends! I am so glad to be off today. We had such a busy weekend and I am tired! We plan to run a few errands today but mostly just lay low!

Friday my mom, Vivi and I headed to Raleigh (about 1.5 hours away) for a girls day! I was on the hunt for her birthday outfit and I already knew what I wanted but was just having a hard time finding it. Thankfully, after about 5 stores I found exactly what I was looking for! Isn't that the best feeling?! We had the yummiest lunch then headed home.

Then it was to my in-laws for the weekend. Right when we got there Vivi passed out on me which NEVER happens! It was 1.5 hours of pure bliss. Girl was tired after a long day of shopping!

 Saturday Garrett and I hit the read for Chapel Hill bright and early. Vivi got to stay with her Grammie and Pop for a full day of fun and her parents got an entire day to spend together! Our first stop was UNC baseball stadium... Garrett's old stomping grounds. Being in the stadium and on the field brings back a flood of emotions every time. I can't tell you how many hours I spent in those stands watching games. So many nerves and butterflies and joy and heartbreak in those stands. After ACL surgery, Tommy John elbow surgery and neck surgery his baseball career ended after UNC which is not what we ever imagined would happen years before, but today we look back and are unbelievably thankful that he didn't go on to play professionally. We could not have happily lived that lifestyle and in Garrett's words as we drove home Saturday night, "I wouldn't trade our life now for anything in the world".

Our next stop was to the Dean Dome for the UNC vs. NC State basketball game. Unless you have been living under a rock, you know that UNC won the national championship last year. Going to a game the season after winning the national championship is so special. The Dean Dome was electric! Even though we didn't win, it was such a fun time and I felt like we were in college again!

 Our third stop of the day was to the First Pitch Banquet. Every year the UNC baseball program hosts a banquet to raise money and it's basically like a huge reunion of former players. We look forward to it every year because we get to see all Garrett's old teammates. It was extra special this year because we got to meet our best friends' new baby!

 This year the 2008 team was honored and this group of guys (Garrett included!) went to the College World Series 4 consecutive years! We had the best time seeing everyone and got home way too late but it was worth it!

Sunday was spent wiping runny noses (poor Viv has a cold), going to the gym, cleaning, meal prepping, grocery shopping, and all the usual Sunday things. I hope everyone has a great week!


  1. What a fun weekend! That black and white dress you wore to the benefit is sooo cute! Hope you enjoy your day off and Vivi starts feeling better soon!

  2. What a fun weekend! You looked so cute in that black and white dress at the benefit. :) (And I totally was one of those living under a rock, ha!) Hope Vivi feels so much better!!!

  3. What a fun weekend! Garrett played baseball with Matt Harvey? That's so awesome. I'm a die hard Mets fan!

    Enjoy your day off! :)

    Amy @

  4. oh my goodness what a great weekend! some couple time and friend time. and i totally get it - going to your team's stadium after a championship win - there's nothing like it!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  5. What a fun weekend at your old stomping grounds! It was fun watching your Instastories from the game while I was watching the game! And that's so cool Garrett got honored!!

  6. What a fun weekend getting to go back to your old stomping grounds!! I bet it brought back all the feels :)

  7. I loved watching your snaps from the weekend at your alma mater!! Looked like a blast! xo, Biana-BlovedBoston

  8. Yay for finding the perfect birthday outfit for Vivi!!! What a fun weekend to be back at UNC Chapel Hill!!!

  9. Looks like such a fun weekend- Ryan and I already said we want our future child to go to UNC lol!

    xo, Kristina

  10. You guys fit so much fun into one day!! It's always such fun to have a mom and dad day out!
