Friday, February 23, 2018

My baby girl is ONE!

Today my precious baby girl turns ONE!

One year ago, after 50 hours of labor and an urgent C-section, you entered this world and our lives. Your birth was not what I expected, and a lot of this past year was not what I expected. I didn't expect to love you so much that it hurts. I didn't expect you to rock our worlds and for us to be completely ok with it.

You were not an easy baby. You didn't sleep longer than an hour for the first month of your life. There were tears and frustration and so much learning. We finally figured each other out and you became more content and happy. Your personality developed and I fell more in love with you every day. Now you are the sweetest baby girl with the funniest personality. You are loud and silly and impatient and stubborn. I see parts of both me and your daddy in you.

You are proof of God's promises and perfect timing. Our struggle with infertility was such a blessing in disguise. It has made me more patient with you, more thankful for the mundane days, and grateful for every single part of being your mommy. You were so very wanted and prayed for. Every night I pray that you will grow healthy and have a kind heart. 365 days of being your mommy and I can't imagine life before you. Happy birthday, Vivian Kate Davis! 


  1. Happy Birthday Sweet Vivian!! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend celebrating!

  2. Well this has me in tears! How has it been a year? Happy Birthday precious girl!! You are the sweetest and going to do big things in your life!

  3. Precious! That year went by SO fast! Happy Birthday, Vivi -- and mama!

  4. Happy Happy Birthday beautiful little girl!!

  5. Happy birthday sweet girl! It’s been so wonderful watching you grow.

  6. Happiest of birthday's to your sweet baby girl! Wishing her only the best!

  7. Happy birthday Vivian! I have been following along since you started IVF and it is so sweet to see your girl celebrate her first birthday!

  8. You summed it up so well! You are blessed with Vivian, but she's also incredibly blessed to have you two, who wanted her so badly that you went through all that you did. And I know you'd do it over again 100 times over for her. Can't believe it's been a year! My how time flies when you're raising a gorgeous girl! :)

  9. Happy Birthday sweet girl!! Can't believe she's already 1! She is so adorable and looks like she has the most fun personality :)
