Friday, February 27, 2015

Five on Friday: snowy week!


We got more SNOW this week!! And this time it was actually pretty, fluffy snow! I am totally a summer/beach girl but snow makes me giddy like a little kid. My [25 week preggo] sister called me and said Ella James wanted to build a snowman and being that said preggo sis wasn't feeling the snow, I did what any aunt would do and bundled up to play in the snow with my niece. And she looooved it. She ran around in circles saying, "it's snowing, it's snowing!" Melt. My. Heart. Bella sprinted around like a wild monster for all of 60 seconds then was totally over it.


Of course we had to make snow cream, duh. Do people up north like snow cream or is it a southern thing? It is my jam! and so easy! All you need is:

-a heaping mixing bowl of fresh, fluffy snow
-a can of sweetened condensed milk
-a few teaspoons of vanilla

Pour the sweetened condensed milk over the snow and stir until the consistency of regular ice cream. Then add a few teaspoons of vanilla, to taste. If you want it to be thicker, add more snow. If you want it creamier, add more milk. Then add whatever toppings you would like [I like mine plain]. So simple and yummy!


I delivered a baby this week! The whole baby concept just blows my mind. #1 I will never understand how a woman's body can survive through that torture childbirth. #2 while being such a beautiful and amazing process, it is quite possibly the most horrific, traumatizing sight. I am 99.9% sure my husband is going to faint when I have a baby due to the amount of blood at the scene. And y'all, newborn babies are SLIPPERY! And so precious!


What did y'all think about the Bachelor this week? I was totally blown away that he sent Kaitlyn home. I'm not a huge fan of Becca… they will most definitely be broken up within 6 months if he chooses her. Whitney seems much more "wifey" and willing to live in middle-of-nowhere Iowa. This season has been less than average at best if you ask me.


We got a new bookshelf in our room and I am sliiiightly obsessed with it. Now to style it perfectly! I want to collect lots of cute odds and ends to display on it along with my ridiculous amount of picture frames [I am definitely a picture frame hoarder]. Here are some of my inspiration pics:

Hope you have a happy Friday and a great weekend! Xoxo


  1. Looks like the snow is so much fun!! I'm slightly sad I'm missing out on all of it. Congrats on delivering your first baby!!

  2. That snow cream looks so good! I have never tried it!

  3. You are so sweet with EJ! And that picture of Bella looks similar to W! Haha, I love happy pups in the snow. My in-laws make snow cream for their grandkids in Buffalo! I cannot wait to see how you style your bookcase! xo

  4. Snow cream is a must in our house when it snows, I love it! Loving your bookshelf inspiration! Xo, Stephanie

  5. I was in the delivery room with one of my friends at 18. Best. Birth control. Ever. Because YES. Everything you said.

  6. We have been having lots of snow here the last few weeks too and I am thinking I will make snow ice cream if we get any more!

    Exciting about your new bookshelves...styling around the house with little trinkets (and picture frames--I'm a hoarder too) is my fave!
