Monday, March 2, 2015


Happy Monday pretty ladies! Let's jump right into my weekend recap:

Friday afternoon was spent taking my OBGYN end-of-rotation exam and a CPR re-certification class, both of which I am super glad to be DONE with! Then I met my hubs and family at a local pizza place. Due to the fact that we were all starving and devoured the pizza immediately, I have no pictures of that deliciousness :( I may or may not have been in bed asleep at 9:30 Friday night [grandma status]. 

Saturday morning we made egg whites, turkey bacon, and oatmeal pancakes. Such a yummy and healthy breakfast! Then it was our usual gym date. 

I would be totally lying if I said I enjoyed going to the gym. The only parts I like are my Lululemon and the way I feel afterwards!

Saturday night the plan was to go bowling with a group of friends but we got there and there was an HOUR wait. We were so surprised and sad! We thought no one ever bowled. So plan B: we went to a local downtown bar, Sup Dogs, for drinks. They have the most delicious drink called a Sup Crush: fresh squeezed oranges, flavored vodka, and sprite. Basically a "grown-up" orangeade.

Me, my BFF Molly, my older sister, Molly's older sister

 Sunday was the usual… church, lunch, gym, grocery. Sunday night I had dinner with 2 of my best friends which was such a treat! Girl time is just plain good for the soul.

Today I start my 3rd rotation: orthopedics! I am super excited and hope there are lots of broken bones and torn ligaments to be fixed!


  1. Weekends with friends are always the best!

  2. Looks like a great weekend! Love your workout pants - fun outfits are definitely a good motivator ;)

    1. I reward myself for going to the gym with cute workout clothes ;) whatever works, right?!

  3. Its so much easier to go to the gym when you look adorable in your cute workout pants!

    1. I bribe myself with cute workout clothes to make myself go to the gym… whatever works, right?!

  4. I love your Lulu! What a fun weekend! I miss Sup Dogs SO much! xo

    1. Sup Dogs cheese fries…. bless. I could have them for every meal (and my thighs would hate me)

  5. bahahahahaha lets be honest half the fun is the fabulous clothes right? ;-)

    1. YES girl! I bribe myself with Lulu… whatever works, right?!

  6. Girlfrienddddd, I am so with you... if it wasn't for Lululemon, I would not be making my way to the gym, haha!

    1. Girl I totally agree. Between me and hubs, we could keep Lulu in business. Whatever works though, right?!

  7. Looks like a fun weekend...I am loving your Lulu outfit!!!

    1. Thanks girl!! I wish I could have everything Lulu… my wallet would hate me!
