Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Confessions + a GIVEAWAY!

I'm baaack! It felt so great to "detox" from social media for a while but I did miss blogger land! Today I'm just going to word vomit everything that has been on my mind lately. And if you don't feel like reading, make sure you jump to the bottom to enter an amazing giveaway!

-I am having minor major anxiety about the fact that I don't have our Christmas card picked out yet. Or even a picture that I like. My Type A personality does NOT like this. This was our Christmas card from last year… I loved it! With it being our first married Christmas, it was SO easy being able to use a wedding photo. Can't I just use a wedding picture every year?!

-I was a wreck last week when our doggy had some sort of stomach bug. I hated seeing her sick! And I know it's going to be so much worse with kids.

-I have spent soo much time with my niece and nephew lately and it makes my heart so happy! They are getting SO big and have the cutest personalities.

-I haven't even started Christmas shopping. I am usually done by now. Whew.

-24 days until I am DONE with PA school. I can't even express the happiness this brings me. Tears of joy y'all.

-My birthday is Saturday and I'm kind of dreading it because I hate birthdays.

-I wanted to decorate for Christmas this past weekend but I felt like people would judge me. So I am making myself wait 2 more weeks. I am "that" Christmas person.

-We joined a new gym a few weeks ago and I have been taking cycling classes again. I get so burnt out at the gym so these classes have made me excited to work out again!

-I won the husband jackpot. He is so supportive, encouraging, etc. etc. He makes my life 1,000x sweeter.

-It's slightly terrifying going on job interviews and trying to decide what I want to do with the rest of my life. I mean, I will be a PA but from there the options are endless. Do I want to do pediatrics, orthopedics, family medicine, surgery, etc. Ah! I am terrified of choosing the wrong job and being miserable 1 week in.

And now for a GIVEAWAY! So excited to be co-hosting this amazing giveaway for a Erin Condren 2016 Classic Life Planner. With the New Year just a few weeks away, it is the perfect time for a new planner and a fresh start! Giveaway will end on Monday, November 16th!

Erin Condren 2016 Classic Life Planner giveaway with


  1. Welcome back yay for 24 days left, that's amazing and you're going to rock those interviews:)

  2. 24 days!! Get it girl!! I love a good spin class too!

  3. SO glad you're back - i missed chu :) yay for the end of PA school which is so soon. welcome back love! and i'm not gonna lie - i'll still shower you with happy birthdays just because :)

    xoxo cheshire kat

  4. What a great giveaway!!
    I can't believe you'll be done in 24 days!! Thats SO exciting!!!! And a big yay for supportive husbands who leave adorable notes to make your day just that much better! So glad you're liking your gym class--it definitely helps to keep things fresh. When I get bored is when I stop wanting to work out.
    Don't worry--you still have time for holiday cards!!! PLENTY of time!!!!

  5. Glad to have you back-I've been terrible at updating my blog recently as well😳

    Where did you find your Christmas card? I'm working on our right now and haven't found any that I like. But I like your play on words!

  6. Happy early birthday girl! No need to dread your bday, your gorgeous, successful and 24 days away from being done with PA school! Celebrate! And yeah... I haven't started Christmas shopping yet either. Eek! Glad your enjoying the gym again with your new classes too! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  7. YAY! So glad you are back, I was sad when I saw your blog was offline, glad it's not a permanent thing. A detox is always great!

    I love Christmas cards and you have plenty of time still. Have you tried Paper Culture? They have a 50% off coupon on facebook and the cards are ALL printed on recycled paper. We did a collage of all of our favorite trips for our 2nd card, it's one of my faves.

  8. So excited that you'll be done in 24 days!! Welcome back girl - you were missed!!! I just ordered our cards last night so you are not far behind at all!!! There are plenty of gorgeous pictures - especially the ones from your vacation earlier this year...hello sock bun! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  9. Welcome back - it's nice to have you back around!! 24 days?! That's amazing and will be here so soon - I bet you'll be enjoying the holiday season extra this year! I was feeling the same way about our cards - it was so easy last year with a wedding photo! I just had my mom come over and snap some pictures of us with the fall scenery. I can't wait to order ours next week - minted is my favorite!

    Fabulous giveaway too :)

  10. Welcome back!! So glad to have you back and so glad that you're a short 24 days away from being done with PA school!!!! I love your Christmas card from last year! We always wait till our FSU weekend with my family so I can get my dad to take our pictures for our Christmas card - while my sister complains in the background ;) Now that we have a niece, I am so jealous that your niece and nephew live next door! I miss her so much and it's only been a week lol

  11. Ahh so glad you're back! I'm almost done with my Christmas shopping and just starting to think about a card. I need to get going though. I don't want it to sneak up on me. 24 days?! I know that's an amazing and terrifying feeling. Job hunting and figuring out where you want to go is difficult. Praying for peace and direction for you!

  12. I have the exact same fears about choosing the wrong specialty- I know that we can switch it up but I just hope I love my new job. Still no interviews over here soooo that's a little depressing. Hopefully they will come soon :/

    And I haven't even THOUGHT about Christmas shopping. That will probably come after graduation lol.

    xo, Kristina
    Medicine & Manicures

  13. Welcome back girl! So exciting that you're almost done with PA school, I can't imagine how much of a huge relief that'll be and just in time for Christmas! Hope your pup is feeling better, sending *hugs* your way. And awesome giveaway *fingers crossed* :)

    Green Fashionista

  14. I haven't picked out a Christmas card as yet or started shopping so you are not alone. lol

    The EC planners are gorgeous. Nice giveaway!

    Martinis & Bikinis

  15. yay im glad you're back at it!!!! so excited for your light at the end of the PA tunnel. and happy early birthday!!! mine's the 28th and meh. not in love with birthdays now that im not a kid!!

  16. Woo hoo!! So happy to have you back. I love love love confession posts. You are doing great things with your life and I'm so proud of you! I'm totally with you on the Christmas cards. DG and I tried to take our pictures last weekend, and well, we're going to have to redo them. :) xo, Champagne&Suburbs

  17. Happy to see you're back! Your husband seems super sweet. I love that little note! Congrats on almost being done!!! And no worries about shopping or a card! There is still time!

  18. Glad to have you back! You have been busy, but you are so close to being finished!!!!

    Love your Christmas cards from last year! We ordered ours and used a wedding picture since it's our wedding year, but I know next year I'll want to use another wedding picture lol. Also, you husband is so, so sweet!

  19. Amazing post dear! I invite you to join a Giveaway on my blog:

  20. I haven't picked out a Christmas card yet. I have no started my Christmas shopping, either.

