Friday, November 27, 2015

FoF: Thanksgiving and NYC!

[O N E]
Thanksgiving is my very favorite holiday and this year was no exception! Thanksgiving is my favorite because it's like Christmas minus the stress of presents. We aren't caught up in the material things, so we spend more time enjoying family and quality time. We spent it at my in-laws but my whole family came too! We are so lucky that our families live only 45 minutes apart. Being with both my family and my husband's huge family makes for some loud, fun, delicious memories. I probably gained 5 lbs and I'm totally ok with that :)

[T W O]
I am currently en route to NYC with my family! So pumped to spend a weekend in the big city. We have 3 broadway shows planned with lots of shopping and eating in between. Any bars/brunch spots or shopping areas that we must go to?! Message me!

[T H R E E]
I had to share this amazing deal with y'all. I snatched up this Kenneth Cole winter coat at Nordstrom Rack and saved $135! It rarely gets cold enough in NC for a bulky winter coat but I knew I needed one for NYC and it's just nice to have a good coat for when you really need one. Score!

[F O U R]
You guys, if you have not been to Target recently, you have got to go look at their christmas section! Don't walk, RUN! A few weeks ago I went to Target for 1 thing, and left with about $200 worth. I spent a ridiculous amount of time browsing the wrapping paper section… my husband had to walk away. Obsessed with all their wrapping stuff this year!

[F I V E]
You guys, next week is MY LAST WEEK OF PA SCHOOL. I feel like a kid on Christmas morning x10000. I can't even contain my excitement. These 2.5 years have been so challenging. I've been less than an enjoyable person for a majority of that time (sorry husband). I cannot wait to have a "normal" life where I am not studying 24/7. Also, I accepted a job!!! More on that to come!


  1. Enjoy the city! Can't wait to hear what shows you saw! I'm drawing a blank on any brunch spots, but my best advice is to stay away from restaurants near Times Square. (Hell's Kitchen is the exception!)

  2. Have fun in NYC! What an awesome adventure! I love the coat you scored too! Congrats on the job!!!!

  3. I loveee Target- looks like I need to head that way!! How fun that you're spending the weekend in NYC with family, enjoy!! Can't wait to see pictures & hear about it!

  4. Look up Chez Josephine's and Russian tea room!

  5. Uh. I know it's Sunday so I don't know if you will still be there for a bit or not, but Serendipity is a MUST. Especially their frozen hot chocolate. Oh my god.

    I love Target. I'm almost never disappointed on what they have to offer. And Yay for being done with school next week! Congratulations!

  6. Congrats on the job! I looked through Target's Christmas decor and I am trying to be patient for after Christmas sales since I still have wrapping paper and cards.

  7. I've loved watching all your snaps in the city! Looks like you are having a blast!!!

  8. I'm loving your NYC snaps! Congrats on the job, I am so happy for you!!

  9. I can't wait to hear all about NYC - it looks great so far from your snaps! So exciting you accepted a job - huge!

  10. I completely agree, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays! I hope you had a wonderful time in NYC, what a fun and festive trip! Xo, Stephanie

  11. Target has the cutest wrapping paper out right now! I’ve been buying way more than I need… oops. Hope y’all had a blast in NYC!

  12. Hope new York city has been amazing! Can't wait to see pics!

  13. Can't wait to read your recap of NYC! Love that wrapping paper! Sugar Paper for the win! And yay for being done with PA school! You're a rock star! xo, Champagne&Suburbs
