Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

Hey ladies!! Sorry for my absence lately… I have been so so busy! I am DONE with PA school and I cannot tell you how amazing it feels. Friday was my last day and graduation is on Saturday so I have been catching up on life aka running errands, studying for boards, Christmas shopping, celebrating my husband's birthday, etc. We also went to NYC! Check back tomorrow for a recap of that trip.

Thanksgiving this year was full of yummy food and family, a perfect combination. I am lucky enough to live in the same town as my family and only 45 minutes from my in-laws. So for Thanksgiving dinner my whole family goes to my in-laws, it's so much fun! My niece and nephew were hamming it up the whole time and our cousins have babies the same age.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because it's basically Christmas minus the stress of gifts and material objects. Don't get me wrong, I love everything about Christmas, but sometimes the gifts get overwhelming. This Thanksgiving was one of the best!


  1. YAYYYYY for being done with PA School! You know how excited I am for you! So glad that you had a good Thanksgiving, and are now totally clear to think about the holidays ahead without the stress of school!

  2. Congrats on being done with PA school, I can only imagine HOW much of a relief that is during the holiday season. Love the shirt you wore for Thanksgiving!

  3. yay for food, family, babies and graduation! all the things! so much to be thankful for :)

    xoxo cheshire kat

  4. How exciting that you're done with PA school, congrats girl!! I completely agree that thanksgiving is nice in that respect that you don't have to stress about gifts, just spending time with family and eating your heart out!!

  5. So excited that you're done girl! Can't wait for the NYC recap! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  6. Congrats for finishing PA school!!! Exciting that graduation is Saturday!!!

  7. What a lovely Thanksgiving!! Sounds amazing! I love all the babies and their matching smocked outfits - way too cute! Congrats on finishing PA school!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to read about NYC :)

  8. Saturday is going to be amazinggggg!! Do y'all have a white coat ceremony on Friday too??

    xo, Kristina
    Medicine & Manicures

  9. I love that sweater you are wearing! Looks so warm and cozy!

  10. Congrats on being done with school! I know you feel like a new woman.

  11. YAY for being done with school! Congrats girl! And I love Thanksgiving too, way less stressful than Christmas!!

  12. Congratulations on being DONE with school! I know you are super excited and relieved! :)

  13. Hooray for being done!! Go girl!!

  14. Yay for being done with PA school - CONGRATS! That must be such an awesome feeling! And look at all that delicious food on Thanksgiving! Definitely one of my favorite holidays :)

    Green Fashionista

  15. Congrats on graduating PA school! Im sure that's a huge weight off of your shoulders. Can't wait to hear about your NYC trip.

  16. I love that your whole family goes to your in laws together! We're going to NY next weekend so I can't wait to hear about your trip! And done PA school finally, a huge congrats!!

  17. Looks fantastic and so do you!!!

  18. Congratulations on getting through PA school, you rock star! Love all those babies and their smocked outfits! xo, Champagne&Suburbs
