Friday, February 19, 2016

Five on Friday: random things!

[O N E]
I have officially been working for 3 weeks now! People warned me about entering the "real world" but if you ask me, getting paid AND not having to study 24/7 makes work pretty darn awesome. Compared to hell PA school, work is like a vacation... with a pretty nice paycheck! My co-workers are all amazing and have welcomed me with open arms. We've seen so many crazy fractures… arms, hips, feet, hands, you name it!

[T W O]
Do you guys remember my post about my precious neighbor who was battling leukemia? Well she entered the gates of Heaven in December and is now eternally healed. Her mom just recently started an online business called Anchor Beads selling beautiful necklaces and is donating a portion of the profits to childhood cancer research. Head over to her website to read her story and check out her gorgeous beads! P.s. they look like Twine & Twig but WAY more affordable AND you are helping beat childhood cancer, double win! She is struggling to keep up with the demand because they have been so popular but she is adding new necklaces daily so keep checking back!

[T H R E E]
I was watching the news last night and they had a segment on Chrissy Teigen and John Legend announcing that they did IVF to get pregnant. I teared up (of course) because it really makes me so happy when women open up about this issue, especially women that are in the spotlight. It brings much needed awareness to this topic and it gives me so much HOPE and encouragement!

[F O U R]
I don't post about make-up products often because to be honest, I'm not really into make-up. I'm a tried and true Bobbi Brown fan and I stick to the basics. However, I found under eye concealer and I had to share! I NEVER used to have dark circles under my eyes but the past few months I've been looking like a zombie when I wake up. I went to Ulta and everyone there recommended this and I have been so happy with it. Pretty pricey at $24 a tube but you only use a tiny bit every morning so it will last for a while.

[F I V E]
Did you guys see what doggy won the Westminster show this week?! A German-shorthaired pointed! Husband and I squealed with pride when we saw that. The only competition our GSP will be winning anytime soon is for biggest DIVA but we feel like winners nonetheless!

 Linking up with AmandaKarli, and April


  1. Just look at the x-rays makes me uncomfortable. Congratulations on the new job.

  2. Ouch on the X-rays, bones should not look that way.

    I remember when Chrissy T first shared her infertility struggle on her show in a very impromptu way and thought WOW, good for you lady. Way to just talk about it because women need to hear it. <3 to you!

    Congrats on best in show ;)! Happy Friday!

  3. I didn't realize that that's how they got pregnant, but good for her for sharing their journey! So happy that people are speaking out about it! :)
    Have a good weekend snuggling with your man and that award winning pup haha

  4. I'm with you. Work TOTALLY trumps school. All day. Every day. I'm so glad you are opening up about your fertility struggles too - that way you can lean on your community to get you through it. I had no idea how many people struggled with it until I realized that, even within my small friend group, the numbers were large. And every single one of my friends felt totally alone in their struggle... so... Basically... We've all got your back. ;)

  5. I didn't know that's how they got pregnant, either! Awesome for them! Have a great weekend, girl! :)

  6. Those necklaces are amazing! Thank you for sharing. :) And it's great to hear how much you are enjoying work life!!

  7. Those necklaces are gorgeous!! I will definitely be looking at them :) I squealed too when I saw a GSP won the dog show! I've always dreamed of having one!! Have a great weekend!

  8. I'm so glad you love your new job!! People are crazy when they say the real world is harder than school - paycheck, no school, no studying after work... sign me up!! I'm working on getting a certification and the big class is next week and I'm so anxious! Have a great weekend!

  9. Call me crazy but sometimes I would prefer to be back in school than working. haha I work with some real difficult people and it just makes everything so much harder. Have a great weekend.

  10. I was so excited when I started working because my Sundays were free -- no more studying or doing homework! Although now that I've been working for awhile I definitely miss school haha

  11. congrats on the new job. you are definitely giving me hope (i'm in dental school) bc this is the worst time of my life but I'm looking forward to those 4 day work weeks.

  12. Congrats on the new job! I have been looking for a new concealer, I'll have to try it out

  13. Yay for the new job being great especially the whole paycheck part of it! I love that Chrissy Teigen has been so open about their IVF use and how they struggled to get pregnant, brings them down to reality and makes them seem more real! I love that concealer, it is hands down the best under eye concealer I've used!

  14. So glad you love your new job! Have a great weekend :)

  15. Work is better than school any day! I'm definitely going to need one of those necklaces, the one with blue is perfect for game day. I haven't tried that concealer, but I've heard amazing things about it. I love John Legend Chrissy Teigen, I think they are the cutest couple. The last pic of Bella and your husband cuddled up sleeping is the cutest thing ever! There's nothing better than puppy snuggles.

  16. Congratulations on the new job! It's crazy how much having a 9-5 structure (+ a paycheck) can do compared to... school. Enjoy your weekend!!


  17. When I read the article on Chrissy Teigan and John Legend I thought about you. So awesome. I am glad you are loving your new job. I bet it is way better than studying. Have a good weekend!

  18. I loved your 5 things this Friday, especially the fact that your neighbors mom is taking a positive outlook to continue her daughters legacy, I definitely be checking that out!
    Congrats on the job as well!
    I blogged about my top 5 things this friday as well over at

  19. So glad that work is going so well for you!! Your neighbor's new business sounds amazing, the necklaces are gorgeous and what a great reason! I love Chrissy & John and that they are sharing their story!

  20. So happy you're enjoying your job, that's awesome!! I never knew that about John & Chrissy- she is hilarious to me, love her personality!

  21. I'm so glad you are enjoying your job! I have heard the It Cosmetics CC cream is phenomenal so I think I am going to try it when my foundation runs out. I love those necklaces and would love to support the cause, I will just have to keep checking back. Jess at Just Jess

  22. I'm so happy to hear that you're enjoying working! Love those necklaces! I will have to check them out. Love Chrissy & John and I loved that they shared theirstory too! xo, Champagne&Suburbs
