Monday, February 22, 2016

Five things

This weekend was filled with 2 date nights (!!!), 3 trips to the gym, 2 long walks in the beautiful 65 degree weather, and lots of errands and small projects around the house. Instead of boring you with every tiny detail of our semi-boring weekend, I figured I'd jump on the bandwagon with this "5 Things" survey going around! 


Five foods I eat every day…
1// Eggs, usually scrambled egg whites to be exact
2// Yogurt, usually with granola
3// Chicken, because my husband is a health freak [I could 100% live without chicken]
4// Coffee [not exactly a food but it is essential to life]
5// Protein bars

Five places I'm dying to visit…
1// Greece
2// Paris
3// Bora Bora
4// Jackson Hole
5// Alaska

Five talents I wish I had… 
1// Photography
2// Singing
3// Spanish [is that a talent?]
4// Long distance running
5// Cooking

Five celebrities I want to be friends with… 
1// Taylor Swift
2// Adele
3// Joanna Gaines from Fixer Upper
4// Carrie Underwood
5// Ellen DeGeneres

Five Six Instagram accounts I love… 

1// @littlemissfearlessblog
2// @oliveandtate_
3// @atgreenwell
4// @alizadventures
5// @lisampray
6// @carolina_charm

Five songs I could listen to on repeat… 
1// "Make You Feel My Love" by Adele
2// "Carolina" by Eric Church
3// "You Are The Best Thing" by Ray LaMontagne
4// "Oceans" by Hillsong United
5// "Thinking Out Loud" by Ed Sheeran

Five beauty products I use every day… 
1// Oil of Olay face lotion, after washing my face in the morning and before bed
2// Bobbi Brown face powder
3// Aquaphor on my lips multiple times a day. My dermatologist said it's the best for keeping lips hydrated, moist, and chapped-free
4// Maybelline mascara, the best mascara I've found. Much better than all the high-end expensive ones!
5// Under eye concealer for those awful dark bags

Five TV shows I'm emotionally invested in… 
1// The Bachelor
2// Grey's Anatomy
3// Making a Murderer
4// Dateline [I get emotionally invested in every single one… sad but true]
4// Can't think of any more because I really don't watch much tv


  1. We are Dateline lovers here as well (watched Friday and then both episodes last night) and I'm totally with you--I get so emotionally involved with all of them! Love your travel spots--Jackson Hole and Alaska are definitely awesome. Ill go with you to the other 3 on your list! haha

  2. We lovvvvvve "Dateline" around here! And I used to sing "You are the Best Thing" to Walker when he was a tiny baby and have fond memories of rocking him around his nursery singing that to him (and crying!). Such an awesome song!

  3. What a fun post, I'm gonna have to use this someday.

    Jackson Hole is fun and and ALASKA IS AMAZING! GOOOOO, GOOO, GOOO!

  4. bachelor monday heyyyyyy :) i love reading these! i agree that coffee is for sure a food item and should be included. and all those travel destinations. greece! alaska! all of it :)

    xoxo cheshire kat

  5. These are so fun! Coffee is definitely a food item (in my opinion) and LOVE Jackson Hole. It's such a gorgeous place! I'm definitely going to have to check out that mascara, your eyelashes are always so long and thick...jealous! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  6. Two date nights? How fun, that is amazing!

  7. Knowing a second language is a talent :) 2 date nights!! Woooohoooooo! Xo

  8. What a fun post! I'm going to do a version of it on my blog.

    Also, I love your song choices! :)

    Amy @

  9. What a fun post, I'm thinking to borrow the idea for a rainy day post! All those places on your travel places, yes yes yes! I'm so emotionally attached to Grey's too, I feel like I need to continue watching for as long as they keep it going! Would looove to be friends with Chip & Jo!

  10. I love these surveys! I get emotionally invested in Dateline too. I watch it every weekend.

  11. I love those song choices and who doesn't want to meet Joanna? Oceans has been on repeat for me and I'm excited to see Hillsong this spring in concert! Jess at Just Jess

  12. I would LOVE to get to Bora Bora or Greece one day!!

  13. Two date nights?? Nice! Take me with you to Greece. ;)

  14. I'm TOTALLY emotionally invested in Grey's! Let's hope that Alex and Jo have finally figured things out!

  15. This is such a fun post!! Sounds like you guys had a wonderful weekend. I found a few new instagrams to if I need even ore!

  16. Yay for two date nights!!! I see we have the same taste in IG friends!! ;)

  17. Girl!!! Thanks for the insta shoutout, girlfriend!! People you want to be friends with... Taylor Swift?! YES.

  18. yes yes yes, I love the song You Are The Best Thing! I could listen to it over and over and over!

  19. We want to go to Alaska on a cruise next year - that's like a dream vacation for me!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  20. What a fun post! I totally want to go on an Alaskan cruise but I'm deathly afraid of the water and icebergs. haha

  21. I wish I could sing and I really need to work on my Spanish. One of my missions in life is to be all my free time right?

  22. I love love love "Make you feel my love" by Adele! She is amazing!

    I would also really love to go to Greece one day! Traveling more is a must!

  23. I love all the common ones we have here! I love the places you want to visit, the people you wanna be friends with, and "Carolina" by Eric Church! xo, Champagne&Suburbs
