Thursday, March 30, 2017

Vivian Kate | nursery reveal

When we found out we were having a girl, I knew I wanted her nursery to be classic and feminine. I did not want a theme. I wanted mostly neutral with pops of light pink. I wanted an elegant room that she could grow into. I posted about my inspiration here and I am so thrilled with how her room turned out. It is now my favorite room in our house! It is so calming and serene. I could sit in her rocker and rock all day long.

A lot of the things in her room I found in local stores but I have linked everything I could at the bottom! Enjoy!

Dresser/changing table | Restoration Hardware in Heirloom White
Mirror | Hobby Lobby (can't find online)
Pink lamp | Homegoods
Pineapple | TJ Maxx
Abstract painting above crib | hand painted by a friend
Crib bedding | Carousel
Pink and gold pillow | Homegoods
Quote painting | hand painted by a friend
Rocker | local store in my hometown

Monday, March 27, 2017

Vivian Kate | 1 month

I cannot believe my baby is 1 month old! Time is flying and I am trying to soak up every single minute.

As of this past Friday when she was 1 month and 1 day, she weighted 9lb 4oz. She is 21 inches long. She is in the 50th percentile for height and weight and her head is in the 75th percentile. My family has big heads!

She is still sleeping in the rock n' play beside our bed. We bought the Halo bassinet which she hates... that figures. She really doesn't like sleeping flat on her back but we are trying to work on it. It makes me feel better that she is a little propped up in the rock n' play because she spits up a lot and I'm terrified she is going to choke.

We feed her around 9:00pm then put her down and she usually wakes up to eat around 12:30am, 3:30am, and 6:30am. My amazing husband does the 12:30am feeding which is SO great because even though I still wake up, I get to stay in bed and doze back off. After her 6:30am feeding I usually put her on my chest to snuggle for a little while then we get up around 7:30am to let the dog out, have coffee, and watch the news... our morning routine!

For the most part she is eating 3oz every 2.5-3 hours. At her 9pm feeding we give her 4oz and occasionally after eating 3oz she is still acting starving so we will give her 1 more ounce. I am so sad to no longer be breastfeeding but it just didn't work for us. I miss that special time with her but we are both so much happier. She is full and satisfied and I am enjoying her SO much more now. This could be a whole post of it's own...

She is still in newborn diapers and newborn outfits. I have put her in a few 0-3 month gowns which are a tiny bit big but we make them work. She has soo many adorable gowns and outfits that are 0-3 months that she is so close to fitting into!

Sleeping on my chest, being worn in the Solly wrap, being held, riding in the car, laying on her stomach, getting a bath.

Being swaddled, laying flat on her back, getting her diaper changed.

We traveled 2 hours to Raleigh for the day to shop and we also traveled 2 hours to the beach for the weekend. She was so good and never made a peep during both of our road trips! She went to church for the first time yesterday and was so good! We have been on long walks almost every day and she absolutely loves them. 

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Coffee talk + life lately

Hi guys, I'm back!! My poor blog has been totally neglected lately. I do have a pretty good excuse though... I have been slightly busy trying to keep a newborn baby alive. I am hoping to get back into the swing of things as we start establishing a routine. So here is a huge dump of all things baby and what my life has consisted of lately:

+ Speaking of my newborn, Vivian is 1 month old today! How in the world is that possible? It seems like just yesterday we were in the hospital! I love her more and more every day.

+ Last weekend we had newborn pictures done with the amazing Amanda Nichols and I am so in love with the sneak peak we have seen! I cannot wait to get them back and show you guys! I was a nervous wreck thinking Vivi was going to cry and stay awake the entire time but surprisingly she did amazing and slept until the last 20 minutes, at which point she was starving and just totally over it.

+ My favorite time of day is during the mornings right after we wake up and Garrett leaves for work. I make my coffee and we head into the nursery to rock and snuggle. I do my daily devotional, catch up on blog reading, and we listen to Lauren Daigle pandora. It's so relaxing and really starts my day off on such a sweet note.

+ I am beyond thankful to have 12 weeks off from work. Before I had Vivian I thought I would be itching to get back to work at like 6 weeks but now I am dreading having to go back and leave her.

+ Speaking of work, I have some exciting news... I am going back part time! One of the main reasons I went to PA school versus medical school is because I knew I wanted to raise my own children and have a work/life balance. My work has been so accommodating and has agreed to let me work 3 days a week after maternity leave. I am so thankful God opened this door for me and I know it will be perfect for our family.

+ Vivian took her first of many trips to the beach last weekend. Sadly, we never even stepped foot on the sand because it was freezing cold and raining but it was so great to have a change of scenery with lots of basketball watching, snuggles, and champagne. Pretty soon we will be going every single weekend and I can't wait to see her become a beach lover like her momma!

+ Speaking of basketball, my (and Garrett's) alma mater UNC has made it to the Sweet 16! Vivi has no choice but to be a Tarheel baby and our home bleeds baby blue during this time of year! We are hoping Vivi brings them good luck and a W tomorrow night! Go heels!

+ At Vivian's first peds appointment her doctor heard a heart murmur. Due to the fact that IVF babies have increased risk for heart defects, he wanted us to be seen by a pediatric cardiologist. We had our first appointment and she had an echocardiogram to look at her heart valves as well as an EKG. She has been diagnosed with a VSD [ventricular septal defect], a small hole between the bottom two chambers of her heart. Luckily they think it should close by the time she is one and we don't need to do anything about it right now except for repeat echos and EKG's every few months for monitoring. Scary for this momma though!

+ Shout out to my absolutely amazing husband. I knew he would be such a great dad but he has exceeded my expectations. The way he cared for me after my C section and the way he takes care of our daughter has made my love for him grow 10-fold. There is nothing sweeter than seeing the one you love most in this world holding the baby you created together. Shew hormones!

+ I am finally feeling comfortable taking her out in public by myself. The first 2ish weeks we basically just stayed home or at my mom's because the thought of taking her in public gave me so much anxiety! We are going on lots of lunch dates, walks, running errands, etc and it has helped keep me sane!

+ I'm working on her birth story, nursery reveal, postpartum update, and lots more so check back soon if you are interested in those boring mommy things ;)

Friday, March 3, 2017

Introducing Vivian Kate Davis

Vivian Kate Davis
February 23, 2017 at 8:45 pm
8 pounds, 4 oz and 20 inches long

My perfect, beautiful miracle baby is already 1 week old. Her birth was long, painful, emotionally and physically draining, but worth every second. After 50 hours of labor that ended in a C section, everything was right in the world when I heard her first cry. I cannot imagine loving another human being the way I love her. I cry just typing that! She is everything we have been praying for and more. Her favorite thing is laying on her mommy's chest. She is breastfeeding like a champ and I love every second I get to spend with her. We are overjoyed and beyond thankful that God chose us to be her parents. 

"For this child we have prayed" -1 Samuel 1:27