Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Vivian Kate | 5 months

Sweet Vivi,
5 months have absolutely flown by. Each day that passes I love you more and more. Your personality is starting to show and you are so interested in everything. You love being comforted by your momma and you smile so big at your daddy. You were absolutely worth the wait.

We didn't go to the doctor this month so I have no idea! If I had to guess I'd say at least 17 lbs. She's a chunk and has some serious rolls!

She started sleeping through the night a while ago but she doesn't let us get used to it. She will sleep through the night maybe 3 nights in a row then wake up a few times the next night for no reason. Last week she was waking up 3-4 times a night which was just torture after we had gotten used to 8 hours of semi-uninterrupted sleep. I'm not sure if she is going through a growth spurt or what.

As for naps, she is usually a great napper. That girl LOVES her crib and basically begs for you to put her down when she's sleepy. She usually wakes up at 6:30, goes down for a nap around 8 and sleeps for an hour. Then a nap around lunch time, usually 11-12:30ish. Then an early afternoon nap, usually 2:30-4:30 then she will doze off in her swing from 6:30-7:30 and goes to bed around 8.

She is drinking 5oz every 3ish hours which is usually closer to every 2.5 hours. She drinks around 30-35oz a day. I can't wait to start feeding her solids next month!

In 6 month clothes and some 6-12 month. She is growing out of most of her summer clothes so I got a few more things to get us through the next few months but mostly I have just been buying fall/winter clothes, which she has NONE of!

Eating, her play mat, jumparoo, going on walks, any toys that play music or light up, the pool, bath time, her cousin Ella James

Being hungry, being bored (drama queen), changing clothes

No huge milestones this month. She did celebrate her first 4th of July but she slept through all the fireworks! She is sooo close to rolling over on her own. She rolls to the side but can't figure out how to get over her arm. She is becoming so interactive and is reaching for everything. She holds her toys and puts them straight in her mouth.

More Vivi posts:


  1. Love seeing her grow! She's adorable Owen! :) So glad that we can compare notes and just "mom vent" through this whole motherhood thing lol

  2. I can't believe she's already 5 months. I feel like y'all just brought her home!

  3. She is so, so precious! I love how you dress her, too. Do you have The Wonder Weeks app? I didn't have it with Walker, but downloaded it for Knox, and it has been SO helpful in telling me when he's going through a "Leap" (AKA: super cranky/not sleeping as well/super fussy). It's worth every penny of its $2.99 (or $1.99?)! :)

    1. Sorry for jumping in - I have 2 friends who use that app and they love it! It helps them see the Leaps (I had no clue those existed) and understand why their babies were cranky

  4. Such a sweet and happy baby :) Love her sweet smiles! xo,Biana-BlovedBoston

  5. Seems like such a happy little doll baby! (and hey, 3 nights of sleep = pretty great! haha) Cheers to 5 months!

  6. Sweet girl is so adorable!! She seems like the happiest baby with all those smiles!!

  7. Oh my goodness, that picture of her with Ella James is so cute! Her smile is so big! I can't believe how big she's getting and she seems like such a happy baby! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  8. Oh my goodness, those sweet rolls! I swear, if we have one more child, I pray it's a girl! I love my boys more than anything, but little girls <3

  9. Oh my she is adorable. Her smile lights up a room.

  10. She is SO cute!! And you look fantastic mommy!!

  11. I cannot believe she's already 5 months old!! What a doll baby! Loving all her cute outfits, too :)

  12. This is such an amazing site! I really enjoyed reading the content. Thanks!

    Buy Clothes For Kids

  13. 5 months has gone so quickly!!! We have no fall clothes yet either - about to do some serious damage here in the next few weeks ;)

  14. I can't believe she's five months already!! Her little outfits are the cutest!!

  15. I hope my baby one day is half as cute!! That eyelet outfit with the pink bow is the best- she's growing so fast!

    xo, Kristina

  16. She's adorable! I cannot get over how LONG she is!!! Happy baby! Xo!
