Monday, August 28, 2017

Vivian Kate | 6 months

I am in denial that you are halfway to one. In some ways it feels like you were born yesterday and in some ways I feel like I have know you my entire life. One thing is for certain, we cannot imagine life without you!

17lb 15oz (81st percentile) and 26" long (54th percentile)

We suffered through a major sleep regression this month. It was brutal! I thought it was teething but now I'm thinking it was just a good, old fashioned sleep regression. She went from sleeping 8p-6a to waking up every single hour. I let her cry it out one night and since then she has starting sleeping 7:30p-5:30a, getting a bottle then going back to sleep until 6:30a. It was SO hard hearing her cry for 40 minutes straight and I felt like the but she had already proven she could do it, she wasn't sick, and there was no reason for her to need me. One night of crying it out did the trick!  Hopefully we are completely over that no-sleeping phase.

She also hasn't been napping as good as she used to. She sleeps on her tummy for naps but right when you put her down she thinks it's hilarious to roll on her back. Then she gets mad and cries because she can't get back over onto her belly. She usually wakes up at 6:30a, naps from 8:30a-9:30a, 12-1:30p, 3:30-5p and goes to bed around 7:30p. I think we may try to transition to two long naps here soon, one morning and one afternoon.

She drinks 5oz every 3ish hours. We started oatmeal cereal a few weeks ago and she LOVED it. We just gave it to her once a day at "dinner" time and then gradually transitioned to vegetables. We are still only doing solids once a day around dinner time but I will likely start doing it twice a day soon. I have loved making her baby food so far and hope I can stick with it.

She is in 6m or 6-12m for the most part. She still has hardly any fall/winter clothes so I need to get on that ASAP!

Being outside is her absolute favorite thing. Bike rides, sitting on the porch, going on walks, you name it. She likes her jumper and exersaucer. Loves rubbing her furry sister (who doesn't exactly love it in return). So far she has tried sweet potatoes, green beans, and carrots and has loved them all. She loves her cousin Ella James and lights up when she's in the room. She still loves bath time and is totally a water baby. She lovesss the pool and splashing around.

You haaate getting dressed. It's like fighting a bull to put your clothes over your head. You hate having your mouth wiped off after you eat solids. You hate being bored and you get bored very easily #highmaintenance. You don't mind being in the car for short periods of time but long car rides aren't your jam (I think it's because you get bored).

This month you did SO many new things! So far this has been the month with the most new milestones! You rolled over for the first time from belly to back on 7/26/17. You still can't figure out how to go from back to belly but I think you're just being lazy. You tried oatmeal cereal for the first time on 7/30/17 and loved it. You sat for the first time by yourself on 8/8/17. You hold your bottle by yourself now. You changed so much this month and no longer feel like a tiny baby but I love watching you grow!

More Vivi posts:


  1. i can't believe she's 6 months old! Where has the time gone? She's the sweetest babe and so glad that she's sleeping well. I bet she will do fine transitioning to two naps, and the longer stretches are nice for you too! Happy 6 months sweet vivi!

  2. Glad she is back to sleeping through the night!! She is just so adorable!! I love her little bracelet- so precious!!

  3. She is such a sweetie! I can't believe she's already six months old. She and Knox have so many similarities it's uncanny. He too hates getting dressed (just changing his diaper is like wrestling a bear, OMG) and despises having his mouth/hands/face wiped after he eats. Happy 6 Months, Vivi (and Mama)!

  4. She is a beautiful baby!!! Glad she had a fun month! But bummer about the sleep regression!! :(

  5. omg that sweet face. i cant get over how adorable she is! so much happening and i cant believe it's been 6 months! so wonderful. minus the sleep regression of course :) thanks for sharing all the special moments!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  6. She is the cutest thing!!! I feel like you can really see her personality in these pictures - so much fun!!!

  7. She is the smiliest little baby!! 6 months already - wow!

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  8. Sweetest little girl! I can't believe she hit all of those milestones this month-- 6 was a big one for her!

  9. What a cutie! Those eyes! We have no fall clothes either... I just placed a big Gap/Old Navy order since everything is 40% off right now!

  10. she is SO grown up and beautiful!!! i felt like 6 months was so so emotional for me with both of mine. but so fun at the same time!!!! she is just precious!
