Monday, April 9, 2018

Easter weekend at the beach

Better late than never, right? I was on call all weekend so I have no fun weekend recap so I thought I'd recap our Easter weekend at the beach if for no other reason than for my own memory. Every year my whole family heads to the beach for Easter weekend and it is one of my favorite traditions. Garrett didn't have to work Friday which was a special treat. We packed up and hit the road at nap time and headed straight to the aquarium. I have been before but it was Vivi's first time and she absolutely loved it. She literally squealed at the top of her lungs walking around the entire place. We left with season passes so that we can go as much as we want all summer long!

 Saturday morning was the Easter egg hunt in Beaufort. It is always the cutest event and they do such a good job of making sure all the kids get eggs. Vivi was more interested in picking up rocks than eggs but we finally convinced her to throw a few in her basket and we ended the morning with a cupcake... success all around!

 It was still pretty chilly at the beach but we spent nap time letting our neglected furry child run all her energy out in her very favorite place. I swear she would run on the beach until she died if we let her.

 Sunday morning we woke up to find that the Easter bunny had come! Holidays are so much more fun with kids. Vivi was still too young to "get it" but she loved going through her basket and stealing all of her cousins' new toys. The Easter bunny brought her this sprinklerthis toddler utensil setegg sidewalk chalktub water coloring tablets, and these silver glitter Natives.

 We planned to go to the sunrise service but both myself and Vivi woke up with bad colds and it was freezing outside so we played hooky. We cooked a big delicious breakfast of cinnamon roll French toast casserole, bacon, eggs, bagels, fruit and cranberry cream cheese bread. Garrett headed home early afternoon but me, my mom and Vivi stuck around for another night. We spent the afternoon on the beach and Vivi could not understand why I wouldn't let her dive face first into the ocean... that girl is fearless and she is going to keep us on our toes this summer.

It's easy to get caught up in the eggs and bunnies and forget that true meaning of Easter. I pray that Vivi knows that she has a savior who died for her sins and that He is alive in her today. He is risen indeed!


  1. What a perfect holiday weekend at the beach! Sounds like she's going to live for summer's at the beach! :)

  2. I went to graduate school at Duke and spent a semester living in Beaufort, it was a magical place! What a wonderful area to have your beach house in and to celebrate Easter, I miss it down there!
