Thursday, May 3, 2018

Dear Working Mama

Dear Working Mama,

Hang in there. I see you stretched thin, wearing more hats than you care to count. You are up before the sun to get yourself ready before the chaos of the day begins. You prep breakfast, fill sippy cups, pack lunches, lay out clothes, and have diaper bags and book bags ready.

I understand all the emotions you feel being a Working Mama. Some days you hold back tears, wishing for nothing more than to be at home with your babies. You worry that they won’t remember you when you get home. You feel sad that you are missing their “firsts”. You pray that your babies don’t feel neglected and you pray that they know you love them, even if you aren’t always physically there. You miss family dinners, church on Sundays, play dates and preschool parties.

Some days you feel guilty for being happy at work. You feel productive and useful at work. You spent years and thousands of dollars pursuing an education that you are damn proud of and you love being able to put it to use. The monotony of being at home feels far away when you are at work, then the Mom Guilt slips in.

Some days leaving your baby with someone else is just downright hard. She is small and needy and she just wants her mama. She cries as you slip out the door and you feel your heart breaking into a million tiny pieces as you pull out of the driveway. Some days leaving your baby with someone else feels like a mini vacation. She’s teething and grumpy and you’re at your wits end. She was up all night and you are counting the minutes until you can go to work and have adult conversation. You want to hug all your friends that stay home with their children, because they are the real working moms. Then the Mom Guilt slips in.

You walk in the door after a long day of treating patients and her smile makes it all worth it. You are reassured that you're her momma and no one can take your place. You rock her to sleep and pray that you're teaching her valuable lessons about priorities and work ethic and that she can be anything she wants to be. No matter what titles you hold, Mom is your favorite. 

Whether teacher, secretary, therapist, SAHM, lawyer, or medical assistant, all moms are working moms whether in the home or outside the home. Every mom works her hardest to provide for her family and I raise my wine glass to you! Cheers to the hardest job of all... being a mom!


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  1. Well this made me teary! You’re such a rockstar mama and doctor!! Love you!

  2. I so needed to read this today!!! I went back to work this week from maternity leave, and have felt all of these emotions.

  3. What a heartfelt letter, thanks of sharing.

  4. I love this post, and have felt (and continue to feel) every emotion described here. It's not easy. There are days I wish I stayed home, and days I don't mind going to work. But Mom is by far the best job title I've ever had :)

  5. Yeah thanks for those tears. Being a working mom when you worked so hard to bring that little baby into the world is so flipping hard. I love my angel and my job. Sometimes the balance is hard to find.

  6. This couldn't be more accurate. I have been struggling all week with the realities of working and having someone else watch my baby girl. Thank you!!!

  7. I love love love this post. I've been back to work for 3 months now and have felt every emotion you talked about. It's so hard to balance being a mom and working. I have a stressful and demanding job and I hate how it sometimes spills over in to my home life when I have to bring work home with me. I try to make sure not to work until my daughter is asleep which leads to late nights sometimes, but making sure to spend as much time with her as possible is totally worth it. Some days I struggle not to cry as I leave her and other days I'm excited to go to work because I love my job, but then the mom guilt sets in... that mom guilt gets me every time. Thanks for this post... it helps me remember that I'm not alone is this working mom thing!

    1. There is no life harder than that of a working mom. Your daughter will appreciate your hard work when she gets older. I was fortunate enough to stay at home when my boys were little, but I always felt bad for those moms who had to put their kids in day-care or find other means of child care. We struggled, but I didn't want anyone else to raise my boys, but then again times were different in the 80's. You'll find a balance, and when you do, it will be wonderful.

  8. Thank you so much for this post--I needed this today!!!

  9. Beautifully said and written!! Shared it with my sister who is a working mama of 3 :) xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  10. I can relate all to well to this! Thanks for sharing friend. Viv is lucky to have such a strong and driven woman like you as her mama!

  11. When my kids were younger (they're adults with kids of their own now), some of us were afforded the luxury to stay home, but if we decided to put our kids in daycare, it was expensive, but not as expensive as it is now. You always have to do what's best for your family, and your children will always be grateful for your efforts.

  12. 100% yes to all of this! Some days, I wish I could stay home with my boys. Other days, I'm glad for the reprieve of going to work. As you said, I spent too much time, effort, and money pursuing my education and career to give it up (not to mention, we couldn't afford for me to either), but some days I feel so guilty. It's so hard.

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