Thursday, June 21, 2018

Vivian Kate | 16 months

I can't believe my baby is 16 months old already! I'm going to try to document her growth every few months for my own memory. She has grown so much over the past 4 months. She has developed her own little big personality. She knows what she wants and when she wants it. She loves signing "please", "more", and "thank you". She is such a ham and has to be touching her mama at all times... I'm not complaining! Don't forget to link up with us below with your Thoughts for Thursday post!


27 lb 10 oz, 31.5 inches long

You are still taking two naps a day. Usually from 8:30-10am and 1:30-3:30pm. I don't see you transitioning to one nap a day any time soon because you are so ready to get in your crib for your morning nap. You go to bed at 7pm sharp and sleep until 6am like clockwork. You love your crib so much and we are finally at the point where I feel comfortable calling you a "good sleeper" [knock on wood]. I never thought I'd say those words when you were a tiny baby.

The ONLY food you will not eat is eggs. I don't understand why you dislike them so much because we eat them for breakfast every single morning. I keep offering them to you in hopes that one day you will change your mind. I am still making baby food pouches because it is such an easy way to make sure you are getting veggies when you throw all the others on the floor. You would eat fruit alone for every meal if you could. You love ham and turkey. Your very favorites are blueberries, raspberries, string cheese, avocado and bananas. You get about 20 oz of whole milk a day, usually four 5 oz sippy cups throughout the day. The rest of the day you drink water and you love it!

Reading, being outside, playing in water, swinging, your cousin Ella James, your furry sister Bella, stickers, sliding, babies.

Brushing your teeth, riding in the car for extended periods of time, eggs, when mama is out of your sight.

Milestone and Memories
You are growing so fast! I am convinced that this is my favorite age so far. We have so much fun doing activities with you because you finally show interest and "understand" going to the aquarium, the splash pad, the library, etc. I never want to forget your "surprised face" that you make when you hear a loud noise or Bella barks. Your precious gummy smile melts me and you are definitely a mama's girl but you love your daddy too. You can spot a baby from across the room and you love to get super close, wave, and say "heyyyy baby". Your eyes get bluer and your hair gets blonder each month. You are strong willed and opinionated. You are definitely going to keep us on our toes! We love you so precious girl!


Grab the button below and link up to Annie, Natalie and Owen on your Thoughts for Thursday post.
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  1. My daughter is the same age and I keep telling my husband that it is definitely my favorite stage! She says "tank you" whenever I give her something and it turns me into mush every time!

  2. I love this post - I know you will treasure being able to look back & remember the details of this age. She is absolutely beautiful!! I see you big time when she's holding her hands together in the high chair with her bracelet on. Such a doll!!

  3. i love reading these posts. she's SO CUTE. i cant handle those blue eyes and fun expressions. she's a ham. happy weekend!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  4. She's so stinking cute!! Love that she's sleeping well for you as well! Happy Friday girl! xo, Biana

  5. she is SOOO cute!!!!

  6. Cannot handle the cuteness!! Olivia doesn't get excited about eggs either!

  7. Hey! I am new to your blog, linking in through Biana's post. Vivian Kate is a beautiful name for such an adorable little girl! The update was really cute - I love it when such small children have such strong likes and dislikes (my son was the same) - love the fact she 'loves babies' and 'dislikes eggs' - bless her! I am pregnant and if I have a little girl (my first is a boy) I will be soaking up all of the baby clothes - LOVE the monogramming, flowery kerchief and the yellow - really pretty - love the Southern US style (I am English). Lovely post! Joanne x

  8. I had very much fun to see your pics and also got nice ideas from your blogs...keep writting...

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