Thursday, April 27, 2017

National Infertility Awareness Week

This week is National Infertility Awareness Week, a week that is so important to those of us who have battled that awful disease. Last year during this week I was in the middle of the IVF process, taking multiple shots every day and gearing up for an egg retrieval. This year we have come full circle and I am holding our IVF miracle baby as I type this.

Did you know that 1 in 8 couples will face infertility? Someone you know is likely experiencing the heartache of not being able to have a baby. There is nothing more gut wrenching than failing at something that should come so naturally. There were so many nights spent crying myself to sleep. So many dark days, tears, anger, jealously. Having people ask, "when are y'all going to have kids?" felt like a knife in the chest. If I could have just shown myself a glimpse of what life would look like on the other side, it would have made those days so much easier. I never could have imagined how much joy this little human would bring to my life. She made the struggle 100% worth it.


Last week we took the all too familiar 2 hour drive back to our fertility clinic but this time it was so different. This time I had my miracle baby in the back seat. It was such a dream to show her off to our doctor who made her and our nurse that walked us through every step. These people will always hold such a special place in our hearts... they gave us our world, our greatest desire.

Is someone you know struggling with infertility? Let this week be the week that you reach out and say something. Don't know what to say? Just say something. Read my post about how you can support someone struggling with infertility. If you have any questions about the IVF process or infertility in general, don't hesitate to email me! I'd love to chat!

Linking up with Annie


  1. I didn't struggle with infertility but my best friend does and it's heartbreaking! I'm so glad you have you're precious miracle baby, but I know that doesn't take away the pain you felt for years! Thank you so much for sharing and bringing awareness to this!! Also.. that unc onesie. So cute!!!

  2. Thanks so much for posting this. We got the news this past February that we most likely will need intervention and to jump on it. Although my doctors are somewhat hopeful IUI will work, we are looking at IVF also. This is such a hard topic to broach and I love how well you've handled it. And yes, I'm working on an email to you. It's been a long time coming. Just trying to figure out all my questions.

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  3. I've had some of my closest friends go through this and your post have helped so much. Thank you for being brave enough to share your journey with us!

  4. I love that you were able to go back to the clinic with your sweet baby girl!! What an incredibly special experience... and totally one trip worth making. :)

  5. I love this so much!! I am just so happy for y'all and that God gave you your miracle baby! I'm definitely going to re-read your post about what to say; I will be seeing a friend soon who's been struggling with it and sometimes it's hard to find the right words

  6. Your IVF process was so inspirational to me, as I went through infertility treatments, too. And now our baby girl will be here in September!

  7. So special that you were able to take her back to where everything began! Love how much awareness you bring to this!

  8. i love that you have that sweet princess to finally snuggle!!! happily ever after!!!

  9. Love this post. Those pictures of y'all with the doctors is just precious! So thankful you have your sweet Viv!!

  10. All so well said. I've been so happy to watch your journey. Your emails to me earlier this year were really helpful in our journey too. Thank you.

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