This Christmas, hubs and I have decided to just do stockings for each other. We both have Fall/Winter birthdays and our anniversary is December 28th so we don't need to spend a lot of money on Christmas presents. I have been thinking for the past few months about things that my husband would really love in his stocking. Since we aren't doing presents, I wanted to fill his stocking with thoughtful gifts, not just candy. Here is what I have come up with so far:

1. Tovolo ice mold. A few months ago when hubs and I were in Charleston we went to an amazing restaurant and his whiskey drink had a huge ice cube in it. He LOVED it. The next day we were in J. Crew and they were selling the exact ice cube molds!! When hubs was in the dressing room I bought it and slipped that bad boy in my pocket book and have been hiding it ever since. It melts super slow so it doesn't water down the whiskey... and it makes you feel extra fancy ;) If your man is a whiskey drinker, I guarantee he will LOVE this in his stocking!
2. Ted Baker socks. My hubs looooves these socks! He loves to add a funky touch when dressing up in a suit. He already has a handful of patterns but I got him some new fun patterns that I know he will love. They are $15 or 3 pairs for $40 at Nordstrom with FREE shipping! Get them!
3. Meat thermometer. My man loves to cook, grill, etc. but he doesn't have a meat thermometer. I think he would love this in order to get meat to the perfect temperature without over-cooking it. My in-laws have one and he always uses it when we go home!
4. Beats earbuds. They are expensive for earbuds, I know, I knowwww. But your man will love you if he finds these in his stocking. I got these for G for our 3 year anni and he uses the heck out of them... at the gym, at work, at home, etc. They play music SO clear, stay in your ears when exercising, and are so much better than any earbud I have ever tried.
5. Monogrammed flask. Just the other day he was saying he needs a flask for football games, wedding, etc. [do not judge us]. Then I found this gem on Pottery Barn, on sale for $20 which INCLUDES a monogram!