I hope everyone had a good Monday! I am a little late on the weekend recap but we stayed up late last night celebrating the Panthers win and I couldn't get my act together to post.
Rewind to Thursday night: dad took us out to dinner and we had the most delicious dinner and way too much champagne to celebrate passing my board exam. It was such a great night of celebrating… low key with plenty of bubbly!
Friday the nasty icy rain started so obviously we headed out for mexican and margs. Eastern NC didn't end up getting any snow but it was SO cold and rainy all weekend.
Saturday we were lazy all day and hopped on the Making a Murderer bandwagon and I'm totally hooked now. I got my hair done which was MUCH needed. My sister is my hairdresser so it's super convenient that I can get it done on weekends or really whenever I have free time. For dinner Saturday night we went on a double date with some friends to Bonefish. I got crab cakes and they were decent, not amazing.
Sunday aka GAMEDAY was packed full of fun. Started with church, the gym, then went bowling with my girlfriends for my best friend's birthday. We drank beer, chatted, and bowled and it was the best time. I always forget how much fun bowling is until I do it!
Then we all headed to my dad's house to watch the Panthers. It was SUCH a great game and I am SO PROUD of those guys!!! SUPER BOWL bound!