Fof: Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 22, 2017

[O N E]
How adorable is this stuffed nativity set? My mom has so many nativity sets and this one is kid friendly and Vivi just loves playing with it. Would be such a cute gift for your littles! Sadly, this one from Hobby Lobby is sold out but I love this onethis one and this one.

[T W O]
I have officially been at my new job for a month and things are going great! The first week was a lot of paperwork and orientations but I am finally up and running. My new practice is a lot busier which means my days are longer and more intense. But it has already been such a rewarding challenge and I have learned so much in just a few weeks and know I will continue to. My typical week will be seeing patients in the clinic on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and first assist in the operating room on Thursdays. Thursdays are usually looong days, starting at the hospital around 6:30am and not getting home until 7pm or later but all worth it to fix broken bones and make people feel better!

[T H R E E]
One of my very favorite things about Christmas time is receiving Christmas cards. I display them around doorways in our living room and kitchen and they make me SO happy every time I walk through. I usually leave them up well into January.. when do you take yours down?

[F O U R]
I made baby oat muffin cups from Lindsay's blog earlier this week and they have been a huge hit with Vivi! I am always looking for new things to feed her and these will be on rotation from now on. Super easy and healthy.

[F I V E]
Do yourself a favor and listen to this song. It gives me chills every time and reminds me of the true reason for Christmas. I hope that everyone has a great Christmas and remembers that Jesus is the reason for the season!

Linking up with AprilChristina and Amanda

2017 Christmas card and family pics!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

I have about five million pictures of Vivi by herself and with her dad but about three of her and I. All you mamas out there understand that we are always the ones behind the camera and never in front of it. Pictures are so important to me and I want Vivi to have some of her and I to look back on in the years to come.

I really wanted professional pictures for our Christmas card and also to capture her personality at 9 months old. Chelsea Collins knocked it out of the park again and would you believe me if I told you we were there for literally 5 minutes? I knew we were on borrowed time before Vivi would cut loose. It was perfect!

And for our Christmas card...

Fof: it's almost Christmas!

Friday, December 15, 2017

Happy, happy Friday! Can you believe Christmas is just 10 days away? Crazy! I honestly feel like I can barely keep my head above water these last few weeks. My new job is intense and demanding (but awesome!) and mix that with the craziness of Christmas time and shew, I need to pause time to simply catch up on life. Anyways, here are 5 random things from my life lately!

[O N E]
Christmas time is the perfect time for a White Russian cocktail and we have been on a kick lately! A cold weather drink and the perfect night cap.

Equal parts (we do 2 shots of each):
-Whole milk
*Serve over ice*

[T W O]
Vivi had her first spaghetti experience and loooved it. She was covered from head to toe and she earned herself an extra long bath that night. I've never met a pasta I didn't like and I have a feeling Vivi will be the same way!

[T H R E E]
Monday night was my niece's first "dance recital"... I use the term recital loosely because there wasn't much ballet going on. It was equal parts hilarious and adorable. So much waving to the crowd and my niece loved the flowers we got her so much that she slept with them. I die!

[F O U R]
Every year my family makes gingerbread houses before Christmas and it is such a fun tradition. My niece and nephew had the best time putting approximately 3 pounds of icing on the roof then dumping an entire bottle of sprinkles on top.

[F I V E]
I've mentioned these jeans before but I have to say again how much I love them. For just $23 (!!!) they fit so well. I have worn the heck out of them!

Linking up with April and Christina and Amanda

An update on Vivian's heart!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Yesterday we had a check-up at the pediatric cardiologist and got great news! Her VSD [ventricular septal defect] is completely closed and her ASD [atrial septal defect] is much smaller. I posted about the fact that she was born with 2 holes in her heart here which obviously isn't something a new mom wants to hear but we are so very thankful it isn't worse. I know there are so many moms going through illnesses and medical conditions with their babies that are much worse than this and that breaks my heart.

I posted about her 3 month check-up at the cardiologist here and at that time the holes were already smaller than when she was born which was great. The fact that one of them is completely closed makes me so happy! She was a total trooper through her EKG and echocardiogram. She was so interested in the cords and sticky EKG electrodes on her skin that she didn't even mind them messing with her.

We don't have to return for another 9 months. Thankful momma over here that her precious heart is healing and she is big and healthy!

Hostess gift ideas

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

This time of year is all about family and friends and fellowship. There are Christmas parties and secret santa parties and cookie exchange parties. My mom always taught me to never go to a party empty handed and I think that is a great rule of thumb. It is always so hard to figure out what to take a hostess. I usually stick with a bottle of champagne or a nice candle but I am going to try to be better about taking unique gifts that show thought and appreciation. I have rounded up my favorite hostess gifts (or gifts for anyone!) so that the next few weekends you don't have to show up to a Christmas party empty handed.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13

This marble and wood serving board would make for the most beautiful charcuterie board for a Christmas party.

I love to keep pretty soap in my guest bathroom and this Jo Malone soap would present so well as a gift.

We were gifted this glass alphabet ornament when we got engaged and to this day it is one of my favorite ornaments. Personalized gifts like this present so nicely.

This Holiday Cookies Cookbook is so cute and everyone is always looking for new cookies to bake around Christmas time.

This pineapple shot glass would be so cute on a bar cart or in a wet bar area.

This festive drinkware is adorable. Throw some hershey kisses in it and it would make for the perfect gift.

Throw a bottle of prosecco in this fur wine bag and I guarantee any hostess will be impressed.

The perfect ornament for all southern ladies.

Again, a personalized gift shows that you put thought into it. This monogram bottle stopper would be used constantly in our house!

These diffusers smell so good and you won't have to worry about minis burning themselves or catching the house on fire.

Throw a festive bow on these marble coasters or pair them with a bottle of wine.

This plaid dish towel wrapped around a bottle of wine would be so cute!

This copper and stainless steel bar set is a super nice gift if the hostess likes a cocktail every now and then.

Grab the button below and link up with EmilyBrittany and I for your Christmas gift guides post. Share your post on Instagram and tag us @mrsordavis, @threeboysandagirlblog, and @brittanywhitacre.

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Weekending: Vivi meets Santa!

Monday, December 4, 2017

I hate to see Mondays come, especially during Christmas time. This weekend was so great! Friday started off with my dad's annual office Christmas party. Every year he rents a bus and takes his employees and their spouses to Raleigh for shopping then a delicious dinner at the Angus Barn.

It was SO relaxing weird shopping without my mini in tow. I scored some super cute new work outfits and everything I bought was on sale.

After we were all shopped out, we headed to dinner. It was SO yummy. We enjoyed lots of cocktails and appetizers then I had the best steak ever and ended the meal with apple cobbler. I was so full I was almost sick!

Saturday morning we took Vivi and my niece and nephew to see Santa. Vivi stared a hole through him (probably because he was so creepy looking!). I did everything possible to try to get a smile out of her but she wasn't having it. She just stared at him with the most serious look on her face, it was so funny!

Saturday night we put the baby to bed and had a date night at home. We got takeout then turned on Christmas With the Kranks, did a Christmas puzzle, drank wine and talked. This reminded me that we don't necessarily have to get a babysitter and spend lots of money to have a date night. We need to make it a priority to do this more often, we had the best time! 

Sunday we went to church and about halfway through the sermon Vivian's nursery number flashed on the screen. She was screaming bloody murder until I walked in the room and she immediately started smiling and giggling. Homegirl is a DIVA. So we headed home early... at least we tried, right?! How was your weekend?

Vivian Kate | 9 months

Friday, December 1, 2017

You turned 9 months old last week on Thanksgiving. Each month seems to pass by quicker than the month before. You have me and your dad wrapped around your finger. We love you so!

22lb 6oz. My chunk! And I could eat those rolls with a spoon!

Consistently sleeping from 7pm-6am, all the praise hands. Despite all the tricks in the book, I wouldn't say she's a naturally good sleeper (unfortunately). She has been in her crib since about 10 weeks old but we have struggled to get her to sleep 11 hours consistently. It seemed like right when she would start getting into a routine, she would get a cold or ear infection then she was back to crying at some point during the night.

We are on a pretty solid napping schedule too. She wakes up around 6am then naps from 8:30-10am usually. Then naps in the afternoon from around 1:30-3:30pm. We have a strict bedtime routine with bath at 6:15pm, wind down and read then bottle, rock and to sleep at 7pm. She is such a creature of habit and thrived on a strict schedule (like her momma!).

She hasn’t met a food she didn’t like. The only thing she’s hesitant about is scrambled eggs which is so weird but I think it's a consistency thing. She is eating basically all soft solids and loooves to feed herself. Some of her favorites are green beans, turkey, ham, cheese, blueberries, raspberries, mandarin oranges and sweet potatoes. I am still giving her some purées too.

For the most part we have a consistent eating schedule. She drinks 5oz of milk 4x a day, around 8am, 11:30am, 3:30pm and 7pm. She has breakfast right when she wakes up around 6:30am, lunch around 12:30pm and dinner around 5:30pm. This girl looooves to eat.

She is in 12m and some 12-18m clothes. She wore shoes for the first time last week which was hilarious. She was trying to pull and kick them off. I am totally team no shoes on babies but sadly I think shoes are in her near future as she starts moving around.

Loves bath time and being outside. She is happy 100% of the time when in her stroller walking. She gets bored easily and we joke that she is high strung (don't know where she got that from ;)). She isn't the most laid back baby ever but as long as she is being entertained, she's happy. She has a weird obsession with stuffed animals lately and any time you show her one, she just dies laughing. She loves going to the grocery store and sitting in the cart like a big girl.

Cannot stand getting her face and hands wiped off after meals. Also hates having clothes put on over her head. Hates being bored (diva) and is not a huge fan of car rides anymore.

Milestones and Memories
We celebrated your first Halloween and you were the cutest poodle I've ever seen. We took a family trip to Great Wolf Lodge and had the absolute best time... you are definitely a water baby. Sadly, you got an ear infection for the second time this month. You were acting totally normal but your fever gave it away. We also celebrated your first Thanksgiving which was extra special this year. You still aren't crawling but I know you could if you wanted to. I think you're just lazy. You love pulling up and I think you may walk before you crawl. You will let go of something you're holding on to and try to walk to me... you're way too brave already, it scares me!

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